Monday, December 26, 2016

pre-birthday post

dear God i wish he'll like me as much as i like him rn. 
or if you cant do that, please take this feeling's away from me. 
I mean, how can you let your servant like someone who can't even like her back? 😢😟 
and what's worse he even belongs to somebody else. 😔 
i don't want to long for somebody else's. 
it's not fair for her, not fair for me either..

Sunday, December 18, 2016


and he's sitting right in front of me,
laughing at his phone.
to the person faraway but he cared the most.

i really, really wish to God i could bring happiness as much as she can
but i couldn't.

maybe this is why my timing was poor.
for if he could've accepted me, i could've only brought him regret.
thank you God.
i now understand.

"There are some fires I must forget, even if I have to extinguish them with my bare hands."
aku tengah tarik nafas dalam dalam ni.
Tengah bersabar dan bertabah.
Aku tengah cuba nak sayang diri sendiri dulu baru aku boleh sayangkan orang lain.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Sunday, December 11, 2016


"dia bukannya syok kat kakak pun. Dia tu cuma kesian je kat kakak, sebab kakak kawan dia."

weh serius macam kena lempang bila angah cakap camtu..............

fine, everyone, fine.