Sunday, February 28, 2016

poor Ibu. i know she is not happy with the way Ayah's treating us. sibuk sangat bekerja. mintak kita paham, tapi susah betul bila kita mintak Ayah paham Ibu. 

i know ibu's been weeping silently bcs Ayah's been neglecting her. it's almost 26 fucking years and he still doesn't understand how to treat Ibu. ibu's been doing her part. not perfect but she's giving it her utmost effort.
now can i say he's such an ignorant and selfish person?

if this is marriage, then i don't want it.
not in million years.

Dear God, please let Ayah realised everything before it is too damn late :'(

Saturday, February 20, 2016

What A cute little boy. NOT!

Got a pink rose when i was 15. ALMOST flattered until i found out i wasn't the only girl who received it. So i gave it to him back. Amenda entah.
"Confidence isn’t “I know she likes me”, confidence is “I’ll be okay whether she likes me or not.”

cita cita

ada satu hari nanti aku nak kupas pasal faith. MY faith. tapi malas nak taip di phone. malas jugak nak buka laptop. 
ha pergi mereput di sana

to each and every one of you

no offense but im ugly and have a crush on you

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Aha seri baru balik dari tengok orang betunang kah?

Baru nak puji and gonna say it out loud."Eh, cantiklah pela....." -________-

 baru tersedar yang TIBAHJAH aku minat pelamin pulak amboi

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Weh that girl was damn lucky lah she got Guibo's driver license..... but then she was a cutie. Mixed portuguese some more. but then i don't know how he looks like. takut pulak nak tengok. because i was soo in LIKE with his talk! I DONT EVEN KNOW HIM! 
after listening to him EVERY morning i thought eh this guy is damn interesting la dey.

but then.. i found their topic this morning quite interesting lah because i kinda can relate with it. "Have somebody ever hit on you?". something like that lah.

anddd i thought i should write it off here. 
(after the flirty sesh semalam tak rasa nak call Flyfm pagi pagi buta ni dah kot)

eh later lah i sambung!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

eyes full of hearts

i think Hafiz Hatin, Geebo, Sharul Shiro are funny and fun to be around.

Nazim Othman, Amar Baharin and  Afiq Muiz are cute. 

i called up Flyfm this morning and confessed up to Geebo! ha ha ha
i don't even know how he looks like but.......entahlah. Lol.

aku call tu sebab nak dedicate lagu (Buble's Haven't Met You Yet) kat Geebo. dah tu diorang suruh nyanyi pulak. my voice was like shrivelling bcs i never expected for me to really got through their lines. sheeesh. if not i'll sing better. dahlah nyanyi part intro je. *facepalm* patutnya aku nyanyi part chorus, tapi sebab nervous punya pasal. my hands were shakin kottt macam ada suis on off pulak and it automatically does it from time to time kalau tengah nervous lmao.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Nah. song gei ni.


Rm238 might be cheap for you. Not for me. I just hope my sister'll like it. 
One thing for sure, i know my other sister would like it, no matter what.

Ni lagi satu. I got to buy a present for a guy lawyer at my workplace. A good Pen macam bagus kan?