Wednesday, November 18, 2020


I know you feed your ego and your insecurities by downgrading other people. "Eleh, berlagak baik pula kau." Eh hello, at least he's/she's trying. Bila orang tegur sikit, kau tak nak dengar. Kau je betul. Bila orang point out kesalahan kau, kau attack peribadi dia pulak. No wonder lah kawan kau bersilih ganti. Perangai macam p*.

Eh pergi masuk hutan sana kawan dengan ungka je lah. Kita ni, kalau tak boleh senangkan orang, jangan susahkan orang tau. Apa yang tak susahkannya kalau kau dah sakitkan hati orang?

Sunday, November 1, 2020

has anyone ever given anything to you? -stevie nicks

I wish one day I could have one. To receive someone's heart. Someone with free will, not the one who comes with knots. And he decides to give it to me out of his own will. His own choice. I wish for that one day to arrive quickly. For my youth and beauty fades with time.