Thursday, March 31, 2011


"there's a BIG difference between who we love, who we settle for, and who we're meant for"

Saturday, March 26, 2011

to HIM

i wonder .. how would it be .. to be in a world with YOU in it C:

Friday, March 25, 2011

tidak dapat dikenalpasti

chunbi, chulbaaaaaaal~~

okay. aku baru tengok unknown tadi . kalau korang, orang yang minat liam neeson, 
memang patut sangat korang tengok cerita neh . seperti biasa, lakonan liam tak pernah menghampakan .
even though he's aging, his acting's quality never gets lame . awwww~~ <3

so, apa yang best sangat pasal cerita neh ? tengok tajuk macam biasa je kan ?
cerita neh senang je intinya .. pasal seorang lelaki yang kehilangan identiti .
selalu kalau hilang identiti, mesti lelaki tuh baik kan ? cemana pulak kalau orang tuh jahat?

cerita neh bermula apabila seorang lelaki mendakwa yang dia adalah seorang doktor yang perlu
menghadiri satu conference penting .
tapi masalahnya, dia kemalangan sewaktu ingin mendapatkan briefcasenya yang terkandung segala id, passport, maknenek, yang tertinggal di airport .
and the story begins .....

dengan id tak ada, passport tak ada .. siapa yang nak percaya kita kan ? dahlah kat negara asing, memang nangis guling2 pun tak ada sapa yang nak percaya lahh ...

dan dah sampai klimaks .. korang akan macam ..
"wait .. EVERY single thing was **** **???" 
hahahhahahah .

creatively, diorang ada selit unsur Nazi sikit dalam cerita neh ..
dalam cara apa? korang kena tengok sendiri ..

ending? tengok sendirilah .. ;p
sumpah berdebar debar aku tengok cerita neh
bukan berdebar2 kosong macam tengok cerita hantu yang dekat corner kita ingat ada apa2 sebab syot kamera over2, tengok2 kucing je ada "=.= alih2 hantu kat belakang . okay dah apa kau merepek .

dan selepas tengok cerita neh, aku konfem seratus peratus yang cerita neh ditaja mahal oleh mercedes benz .
sebabnya? kereta mercedes benz telah dieksploitasi yang teramat . hahahaha .
the thing is i just love how they put mercedes benz as a taxi in their own class C:

dan yang paling penting sekali adalah apa yang aku belajar dari cerita ini is that

"it's no matter who you were . It's about what you are now ."


Thursday, March 24, 2011

kerana sebuah komputer riba

ce ce . kisahnya bermula seperti ini .....
*sila bayangkan ada bubble keluar dari fikiran anda . ala, macam dalam pilem tuuu*

"kim, bawakkan laptop kakak jap . tak cukup tangan dah neh .."
tengah mamai2 tu adik aku pun capai beg laptop.

sebelum naik ke bilik hotel mak aku, ayah aku singgah coffeehouse kejap .
elehhh .nak buat kejutan le tuu dah datang tak bagitau .
sempat jugak le aku mengketedarah sepotong kek keju dan sandwic ..

dah lama sangat tunggu, last2 bapak aku giveup .
kitorang pun terus naik atas .

masuk2 bilik, lepak dulu ..
tengak lak tv ada cik sandha yang anggun ngan ncik adi yang wow .

okay . dah habis pun cerita somsan dan d'lola tuh .
masa untuk menonton cerita di laptop !~~




ehem ...lalalala~~

mana pulak budak neh letak laptop aku?
chill dulu, letak lam almari kot.

eh xde. jap. nak tanya budak tuh tengah berkeruh pulak.
xpe carik lagi.

kat sebelah beg baju mak aku ke?xde.
kat belakang sofa ke?lagi la xde.

sudahh.then mak aku awal2 dah blame aku.
aku diam je.
mak aku dah gelabah kot.ingat aku nak maki adik aku.
tapi aku tau,aku still bley kawal lagi.
sebab yang penting sekarang,laptop aku.cari dulu.
nak marah2 kemudian.

tapi still sakit gak hati aku. why should she be so protective against me just for
her only son? oh.i forgot here. her ONLY son.
very well,wery well.
tengah mak aku gelabah2 ingatkan aku lain kali bawak sendiri benda2 penting
dan jangan suruh orang laen bawakkan,tibe2 bapak aku terbangun dari tidur.
terus bapak aku keluar bilik and turun ke lobby.
aku ikut je.

dah sampai lobby,
aku check kat coffee house yang kitorang lepak masa mula2 sampai tadi.
sudah.langsung xde pape pun kat seat tadi.

chill dulu nadya.
i was about to go upstairs when suddenly i thought
that i should've asked the receptionist.

okay.patah balik.

"sir,have you seen any black laptop bag just now?"

dia geleng.then tibe2 mata dier terpaku kat satu tempat kat kaunter dier.

" is it a Toshiba?"*sambil mengangkat bag laptop aku*

"quite right. alhamdulillahh. you're the MAN. thanks!" ( xdela .. you're the man tu aku tipu je)

after giving my dad a goodnight kiss, i went upstairs,and entered the room calmly.

again, my mom reminded me. "lain kali, blablablabla"

fine . lepas ni, SUMPAH i won't bother to ask help from a JERK anymore .

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

tips on how to pair up your ankle booties

post untuk menghilangkan rasa tidak mengantuk.

basically what is ankle booties?
i'm quite sure almost EVERYbody know what the hell is that ..
just wanna share with you my preferences,hihih

before that let me show you some of the pattern ..
here they go~

heeled boots
lacey we got here.

oh yeah. it doesnt ALWAYS have to HAVE 4 to 6" for it to be called booties ye peeps.
(at least I thought it was . what a noob .. "=.=)
just explain the truth.errr.okay.
mak aku ta bagi pakai pointed heels be it booties or whatever.
takut terkesan  dah tua2 esok katanya.
hmm.whateverlah mak ..
flat pun flatlah ..
janji, awesomeness .. C:

look at these adorable babies . omooooo


tiada kata untuk diuntai dah.*pengsan*

okay.enough with that.

Ankle Boots
What to Wear with Ankle Boots
source :

Ankle Boots with Long Skirts

Whether they're flat or heeled, ankle boots and long skirts are a classic combination.
While I personally prefer to pair them with a long skirt that is on the fuller side,
I've also seen ankle booties paired fairly successfully with long skirts that are more
narrow. Whichever style you prefer, the key is to show no leg. If the skirt isn't long
enough to cover the top of the ankle boots on its own, add a pair of tights.

The Best Pants for Ankle Boots

This one is nearly a no-brainer -- ankle boots work with any kind of pants. The
advantage to wearing them over shoes or taller boots is that you get ankle coverage
without the bulk of a knee-high boot. But -- and this is a BIG "but" -- the only pants that
work well tucked into ankle boots are very tight ones. Wide-legged pants tucked
into short boots create a very unflattering balloon effect.

Ankle Boots with Leggings or Tights

I mentioned before that cropped leggings don't work well with ankle boots. Long leggings
or tights however, look great -- assuming of course, that leggings look good on you in
the first place. If they don't, pairing them with ankle boots isn't going to make the
situation any better.

Clothes to Avoid Wearing with Ankle Boots

  • Cropped Pants
  • Cropped Tights
  • Mid-Length Skirts with Bare Legs
  • Pencil Skirts
  • Shorts
  • Capris




Monday, March 21, 2011

i am number four

hihi, nanti nak tengok lagi lah .
dahla jalan cerita sedap, hero pun mantap .
mana tak mantap wehhhh .
(err..okay . sekarang dah tak pasti sama ada jalan cerita tuh memang mantap ataupun dah terlalu seronok sangat tengok heronya)

try this

HyunBin lalu sebelah pun tak perasan! :P

and this

superly duperly hottie C:

last but not least

do i need to say more? *wink*

he grew up so fast :')
the first time i got to know this actor was when he was in the Stormbreaker .
awww . so DARNLY cuteeeeeeeee
lepastu dah gila kat dia.hahaha *heehaw*

then i saw him in the wild child. and it broke my heart . TOTALLY :'(
seeing him as emma roberts' sweetheart :P ceh . gedik tak ingat dunia sekejap .

alah.tak nampak muka alex pulak . . .

nah. eee pergila jauh sikit emmaaa

then,this .

ouhh..mamat neh jatuh hati dengan quinn waktu shooting filem ini rupanya . .
no wonder lahh . .
SUMPAH quinn super duper lawa sangat dalam film neh !
apakah? QUINN?
fine . . dianna agron . ugh . yadda yadda . it's not MY fault if i knew her because of glee from the first place . . nak buat macammana kalau nama tu lagi lekat kan ?  heeheee

SUMPAH cantik sangaaat
awww~ tengok tuuu
sapa tak cakap sweet,aku baling ngan platform 4" 

budak neh comel :D strangely he resembles someone that i know . .*ringthebellplease"=..=*
loser paling cute :p

oh yea, there was this girl. she's number six. SUMPAH cool nak MAMPUS . SHOOTING STARRR~ *sila ikut rentak lagu written in the stars by tinie tempah*
even though she didnt have much to say, but her style, speaks a LOT
I LOIKEEE. sumpah TERBAIK gila ah *exclamation*

here she goes~

and THIS.

fine . . nak tengok muka dia sepenuhnya kan? *ayat penuh tahap lepas spm*

teresa palmer

dah . okaybye.

p.s. tak sabar nak tengok beastly pulak ^^