Friday, July 17, 2020

afidavit penyampaian

I missed my dad's flight. Rancangnya pukul 5 dah patut gerak dari shah alam, tapi disebabkan kakak kerani ada buat silap sikit masa sediakan sijil ekshibit, aku gak lah yang kena drag.... Hari ni alhamdulillah boss mood baik, so dia tak marah aku. Cumanya itu lah.. aku malas sebab dah berapa lama dah asyik buat silap. selama ni boleh cover sesama sendiri, but i guess today was the day i turned purple :( Punca? Because she made me missed my dad's flight. Salah siapa? Salah sendiri sebab tak tegur dari awal lagi. As a sister, kakak kerani ni okay je. tapi as a clerk  mungkin boleh improve lagi. Don't get me wrong, everyone should self-improve themselves, but not everyone think so. Some people just got comfortable and settle down that they don't feel the need to do so. Maybe time does that to you.. But then you must get up and fight it! Kalau tidak, kau hidup sekadar hidup je. Apa makna hidup kau? Tak tahu? Cari lah. Kudrat ada lagi, kesihatan alhamdulillah ok, dah kenapa kau nak hidup macam orang umur 80 tahun? In fact, I bet 80-year-old are living their own lives way better than you. Ha ni mula lah nak merepek. 

Aku cuma nak cakap I am so disappointed with myself for not containing my anger from the work whatsapp group. Mesti kakak tu pelik. dia buat salah minor je kot pehal aku nak mengamuk (mengamuk ke lol) sampai gitu. Padahal aku baru call dia petang tadi siap suruh kirim salam mak dia lagi kot. Atau mungkin double standard yang boss aku selalu maki aku kalau aku buat salah (sebab aku belajar benda ni) dan dia tak kena (sebab bukan bidang dia) sebab ini bukan bidang dia. tapi... tak adil kot... dia dah nak masuk lima tahun kerja... so kalau kerja yang sepatutnya dia boleh settle, aku juga kena buat sebab tak nak tersilap apa-apa/tak sempat/tak percaya sewaktu aku sibuk buat kerja lain, ini tak adil lah kan... Atau mungkin litigasi ini bukan bidang aku. Haram tak tenang hidup minggu tu kalau ada kerja. Nak tidur pun rasa serba salah. The worry. Is it really worth it? Am I doing this right? Is this the right place for me? If not, where should I ended up going? I am starting to feel really lonely in this path...

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

tilam baru, cadar baru, who dis?

Walaupun beberapa Hari ni kerja macam loca, balik balik nampak katil yang cute ni pun dah rasa bahagia (':

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

pressing day

Today was such a test for me. The car that I drove (my sister's new Bezza 2020) was hit by another person. That person is a contract worker. said he only had rm150 when he gathered some from his two other friends. 
I was on my way to KL court when it happened. Everything happened so fast I only remembered being spun and managed to hit the brake before the road divider greeted me and the car. Alhamdulillah.

When I get there (the court), I took some time to muster all the confidence to face the Yang Arif. I had only had in chamber sessions before and of all (limited) my experiences, I only met with the nicest judges. But this one I don't know whether that accident had knocked out my senses, or I'm just plain stupid, I just didn't say much. The judge was drilling (calmly) to get answers from me but I couldn't say anything other than "nothing to add, Yang Arif". But the opponent was the nicest and taught me a lot in her calmness. She's quite chirpy but she's alright. Said to me it happens to everyone. The jitter being in front of Yang Arif. Oh well.

My dad was and is still my hero for the day. He was the one who told me to do whatever that needs to be done. When I was quite insensible from being spun around. 

Nina. Who helped me a lot with the car stuff. Providing me information on where to get good deals and the best shops. 

Hafiz. Who came alll the way and took me out when I said I couldn't drive to make police report. Alas who knows he would come and fed me mamak (it was almost 12am, mind you!)

And Jie. With cute little Adam and her superb skill of understanding of me rushing here and there.

And also my boss. For offering to pay for the repair. 

God bless their souls.