Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 5: A song to match your mood

alamak. satu lagu je ke??

tak kisah lah . aku nak bagi MACAM MACAM lagu .
sebab? aku punya sukalah.

hewhew.aku suka dengar macammacam lagu.takboleh?


*take note.lagu2 ini tidak di'rank'kan dan hanya diletakkan secara rambang.

you are my destiny by paul anka

if tomorrow never comes by ronan keating

all by myself by celine dion

elvis costello - she

falling in by lifehouse

love like oxygen by SHINee

common denominator by jb

tears are falling by jae shin

that man by hyun bin

juliette by SHINee

there was nothing by jung yeop

ringdingdong by SHINee.

only hope by mandy moore

because i'm stupid by SS501

frankie valli - can't take my eyes of you

only one by yellowcard

my heart's cursing by kim dong wook

dance dance by fall out boy

intuition by CN Blue

the ballad of mona lisa by panic! at the disco

0330 by U-Kiss

mirotic by DBSK

bolero by DBSK

bills bills bills by glee cast

fox rain (acoustic version) by kim sun hee

haruharu by bigbang

haven't met you yet by michael buble

duapuluh lapan.
it's my life / confession by gleecast

it's okay even if it's hurt by seohyun

sign by brown eyed girl

number one by skye sweetnam

someday by snow white

why (keep you head down) by DBSK

ya ya ya by t-ara

for you i will by teddy geiger

actually banyak lagi aku nak tulis.tapi.cukupla tu.buat masa nih :P

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 4 : My Parents

entri kali ini adalah tentang mak bapak ye kawan kawan ....

so  ... kita mulakan dengan yang afdhal dulu ..
which is .. emak aku .

nama mak aku cik mala .  Sebagai seorang cikgu, amatlah wajib apabila beliau mempraktikkan kaedah guru disiplinnya kepada anaknya, iaitu aku. mungkin sebab aku yang  paling banyak songeh agaknya.hehe. lahir pada hari ke-29 dalam bulan julai 1966. Kampung ? kat perlis nun . jangan tanya aku macam mana pak ngan mak aku boleh end up together sebab aku xada lagi masa tu.  Suka sumbat aku makanan walaupun tau yang aku nak turunkan berat. paberet kaler? kuning, jingga, merah . anak paberet mak aku ialah adik lelaki aku. tak caya? sukahati.  anak terakhir daripada tiga adik beradik. so aku rasa beliau macam ada hal yang belum setel ngan makcik2 aku. ( pandai2 je aku.hehe)
 pernah accident tiga kali. kali terakhir mak aku accident,honda jazznya menjadi korban. mood swing. kalau mood baik, mak aku comel sangat sangat tapi still kena jaga jaga. kalau mood tak baik, paham paham sendirilah. sikap? sangat sensitif dan cepat terasa. but i guess all moms are typical in that way,eh? nama panggilan dalam keluarga? dik yau . sebab mak aku dulu suka keriyau ( menangis ) . nama panggilan kedua. lala. yang ni .. aku rasa mungkin sebab nama mak aku

normala -► mala -► la -►lala (?)

ayah aku lak.pak da. hobi? suka merewang naik moto kalau cuti or kalau dia rasa perlu. lahir 22 mei 1963. org nogori sombilan. anak terakhir daripada lapan adik beradik. bapak aku keja, sebagai polis yang berjaya, beliau juga telah mempraktikkan ilmu2 kepolisannya tatkala menyoal siasat anak anaknya. ayah aku pernah kerja kat jawi bukit aman dan pernah berkhidmat sebagai seorang polis hutan. dulu aku anak kebanggaan dia sebab aku yang paling mewarisi kaler kulitnya, iaitu koko manis . :p ayah aku suka panggil aku koko . dari kecik kot . haha . ayah kan, kalau boleh, dia akan berusaha untuk menyediakan semua yang anak anak dia nak. tapi disebabkan campur tangan pihak dalam, dah jadi kebiasaan ayah aku adalah mendahulukan anak lelakinya. lagipun, pewaris kan ? ayah aku cukup seronok kalau bercakap pasal politik, motor besar, berita dan macam2 lagi yang boleh tambah pengetahuan. dulu aku ingat, kalau aku kena marah, mesti ayah aku buat dono.dan pusing ke topik lain. sekarang baru aku perasan,, ayah aku ada kepakaran dalam bidang elak - mengelak . kalau tiba2 keadaan jadi hangat tiba2 , ayah aku akan keluarkan 'jurus'nya yg boleh membuatkan keadaan kembali sejuk. dulu, mak aku selalu cakap perangai aku ngan ayah aku sama je . mungkin sebab tu kalau mak aku marah kat ayah aku, dia lepas kat aku, tidak ? walaupun 49 days tu cerita je, tapi aku harap sangat kalau ayah aku boleh sayang aku macam tu. tapi mana boleh .. aku kan empat beradik dan itu cerita je kan ? whatever . ha ha .

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name

apakah maksud nama belog aku ?

well, if you directly translated it, the meaning would be ..

"apa yang noob macam aku selalu fikir"

sebab tu aku letak nama tuh la kot.

entah.aku pun taktau nak letak nama apa sebenarnya.

tapi aku rasa loser tu macam aku, dan aku macam loser.

so aku letaklah nama belog aku gitu.hikhik.

good,bad news day


dah ada pasport sendiri ^^ = *terlompat lompat*

baru dapat tau yang ada lagi dua ep 49 days = *rebah*

tinggi dah naik 2cm = *bangun balik*

berat naik 2kg = *pengsan tak bangun bangun dah*



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts

Err.. firstly i wanted to apologise that i have not taken my pictures for about .. hmm .. let me see .. almost like three months? so, no recent picture.dah.fullstop. proceeding~

15 interesting facts about me

1. I'd prefer people calling me Nadya, Triple, Didi :') , Betty, rather than other names.
   if you know me, you got what i mean.

2. was born on the third of January in 1992 at precisely 0103

3. feel uncomfortable when wearing ring on the ring finger. and that includes middle finger too.

4. I always wonder how my life would be if I am nor a girl .

5. Six years of elementary school in SK Seri Sentosa. Been there, I've met lotsa friends and lots of unforgettable memories were created. I still remember while we're in standard six, we were soooooo deadly frikkingglyy into Harry Potter til there were groups formed for it. We changed out boring school area into full-of-magical school Hogwarts. Even us, have our own nickname for each in the class. Of course there were Ron, Hermione, Harry, Fred, George, Myrtle, Lavender, Katie, Seamus, Marcus, Malfoy, Luna, Parvati, Neville, and of course, Viktor Krum.  Oh and there was Marauder's Map too!   and all this thanks to Irfan, (;
Well I guess, elementary school brought so much fun to me!  :')

6. Whenever I think about it, I would rather say I enjoyed getting know bitches in my life because they taught me that the world does not revolve only around me. (: way to go, bitches!

7. I'm easily bored.

8. I love sushi and kimchi so much.

9. I punched my brother, once, while i twist his both hands to the back.

10. Just realised that I can be too loyal and sometimes, can be very very VERY foolish,  for the sake of friendship which i wrongly applied to a wrong person.

11. My first bestfriend was when I was five years old. I couldn't recall her full name, but I can still remember calling her "Ana". She left me early at the kindergarten as she was one year older than me.

12. I do what I want when I feel like it.

13. I hate people who willing to make other people look bad,eventhough they're her own bestfriend, just to make sure she looked good in front of other people. way to go again, bitch!

14. I just happens to love SHINee and B2st and FT Island.

15. once, I happens to have such MAJOR crush on this boy when I was in the elementary school. why did  i just let him go foolishly?  Lol you'll laugh knowing this.. i guess it's for the sake of our education? hahahaaa (okay yg nih tipu okay.asalkan cukup 15 sudah)

NEW 30 days challenge!

thanks for the tag again, ayesha!

bosan nak mati kot .
baru perasan skema gile nak mati .
sampai aku rasa macam buat karangan untuk muet -.- jadahapaweh.

so, w/o further ado, lemme paste the MOST extraordinary challenge ! (for now)


NEW 30 days challenge

Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts
Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name
Day 3: Your first love
Day 4: Your parents
Day 5: A song to match your mood
Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 7: Favorite movies
Day 8: A place you've traveled to
Day 9: A favorite picture of your best friend
Day 10: Something you're afraid of
Day 11: Favorite tv shows
Day 12: Something you don't leave the house without
Day 13: Goals
Day 14: A picture of you last year - how have you changed?
Day 15: Bible verse
Day 16: Dream house
Day 17: Something you're looking forward to
Day 18: Favorite Place to Eat
Day 19: Something you miss
Day 20: Nicknames
Day 21: Favorite Picture of yourself ALL TIME Why?
Day 22: What's in your purse?
Day 23: Favorite Movie
Day 24: Something you've learned
Day 25: Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs
Day 26: Your Dream Wedding
Day 27: Original Photo of the city you live in
Day 28: Something that stresses you out
Day 29: 3 Wishes
Day 30: a picture of yourself this day and 5 good things that happened since you started the challenge

aaaa.. mana2 yang aku rasa nak pilih dan tulis tuh, aku tulis lah.hihi.sukatilah.lalala.

and anybody who would like to join this, feel free to do so ! C:

Day 05 : A time you thought about ending your own life

whenever my mom or dad are being too unfair towards me just because i'm the eldest, and he's the "smallest" in the family, so i have to take all the responsibility.

yeah yeah . aku tau ramai je anak sulung kat luar tu yang boleh survive . deyy, i AM surviving. buta?
memang demm . btw, for those who are not in the same boat with me, you know you are not in my shoes, so you will never understand my situation .
thus, back off :)

oh yeah, ironically, both of my parents are the last siblings in their family.

Monday, May 16, 2011

day 4 : your views on religion

i found this while googling.

and this.

yeah right.

day 3 : your views on drugs and alcohol

for me, drug is a healing potion that makes the world goes round and round whenever we take it. 
THAT, my friend, is considered for short term effect. for the long term, it can cause brain damage, wrath from your parents, your healthy looks and your bright future.

so they say.. drugs will damage your appearances . du-uh. like of course! when you couldn't think properly and  you couldn't even realise what you're doin

what about alcohol?
well .. it will cause terrible addiction and unrealisable effects.

some of us prefer alcohol for their solution because they think alcohol soothes them.
du-uh again! you're wrong. these types alcohol and drugs are just short term solution.
plus more, we're MOSLEEMS. Islam prevent us from using such short term solution.
alcohol bring more harm than good. well it could be good sometimes, i.e. when you're drinking with the people you love, and they never had a clue, af ter that, for some cause, you started to spill everything out. and they knew. and you bothe went together happily ever after. WRONG! what if while you were in the state of unconsciousness, somebody take chance to rape you? or even you're raping someone? nauzubillah..

not much to be said actually

last, but not least,


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 02 - Where you'd like to be in 10 years

yesterday, all of a sudden, blogger was currently available.
thus, today, i'll proceed to day2.

where would i be in 10 years?
well. first thing that crossed my mind was .. i'd be around the world, i suppose?
getting know food more, getting know people's behaviour more,
but first, i have to make much money to pursue what i dreamt before,right?
hmm .. what would i work as in another 5 years, let's pass the matter.
bank robbery sounds not so bad

in ten years more, i will never know or expect to get married.
as for now, i don't think i enjoy being in a relationship.
wait till i'm wiser and more mature so that my spouse would never waste himself getting crazy driven by me .

in the year of twenty nine. wow. i would really really love to get to know the world more.
it's a waste that we have such many cultures in the world yet we never think about exploring it.
while in the way, who knows i'll found the most suitable person for me.or not.

but wait. if i get married earlier than that,i would heret my hubby and child around the world with me lah.hihihi. so they say, the more, the merrier kan? hihih.

so, gotta work hard for the degree so that i can find great job to do it !
if any people would lend their hand to me while i'm on my way, and that person is called a friend, well i'd love to! :)

day 01 - your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.

well well well .

single heh? hmm .. for a temporary moment, while i'm being single i guess i could not know myself better. you will never know how you would be in those kind of situations with your beloved one . would you be persistent ? would you be patient? would you run away from it and never face the worst? but i guess it depends with whom are you with because people are just being random.
let's say you're having your tough moments . while you're with A, you might learn how to be tough as well . while you're with B, you just know that you have to get rid of them because they're too annoying . with C, you might wanna blame him all over. see? it depends on the situations AND the people you are with.

on the other hand, being single, i suppose, that we can look up to our previous relationship . and learn to be better for next time . it's like you are under probation  . time by time, you'll get better and better IF you learnt well from your previous mistakes. learning from mistakes aren't so bad. unless you have done such MASSIVE mistakes that you could never get rid of it and you must live with it like,let's say, FOREVER?

being single isn't bad, what is bad is giving up hope on finding that someone special. well i could never agree more with what i have just wrote just now . some people think that being single might just turn you into a loner . boohoo . na-ah . if you're as simple minded as that. well, i could never say anything about that .

options . we are given options in our life . you want the best , or the worst ? you want the coolest, or the lamest? choose wisely then (:

DONE. wohooooooooooooooooo~

Thursday, May 12, 2011


hihih. tajuk nak yang drag queen je :p

okay ... i took it from my friend's, ayesha .
thank you ayesha for the invitation ! ting~
well i never knew we have so much in common . i mean in this-posting-entry-thingy.
both of us don't have enough ideas what's to be talked about .

thus, this is it. behold .... hihih.

so, from this day on, i will start to work on this thingy.

sape2 yang rasa nak join boleh kot kalau korang xde keje macam aku ngan ayesha nie la .
ha ha .

p.s. is watching 49 days nowwww~~~

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011

bertuah punya adik

aku rasa aku dah tau kenapa adik aku rileks sangat .
padahal upsr tahun nie . buku haram nak sentuh . psp 24 jam kat tangan .
waktu study kunci pintu . eleh.macma aku tak tau dia buat apa dalam bilik tu .
everything except studying . gerenti!

okaydahapakaumerepek. ini ha ! aku terfikir lah nak bukak fb adik aku tadi . 
alih alih aku jumpa nie ??

if he really does believe that without any afford towards it, then you're doomed kiddo.. "=.=

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


awwww . thanks to fathin kerana menge'tag' saya ..
lof ya, mish ya,muah muah muah . hihi .
okay, cut it out .

okay, aku tak pernah buka langsung blog wanita ini kerana tak pernah sampai ke pengetahuan aku yang cetek nie .
hari nie aku bukak . and i was like . wow .. comel gile belog dia . mesti banyak gile benda yang dia dah buat untuk blog dia sampai jadik secute ini . *take notice . ini adalah salah satu usaha untuk menang walhal benda ni ikut nasib je :p*  well . tengok owner lah .. sama je cute nya :)

jadi. kena jadi follower dia . tapi dia cakap mak dia kata tak baik paksa orang . anyway, aku jadie jugak follower dia sebab aku betul betul rasa belog dia seronok untuk diikuti .

pastu kena srtakan gambar giveaway beliau .
jap . jap .

okay dah .

lepas tue .... linkkan ke entry giveaway tue .. sat naaa ....

lepas tu .. letak "Izyan Masri first random giveaway" sebagai tajuk . done .

kendian .. promote belog dier .

okay , korang kene cuba try bukak belog bliau sebab belog beliau cam funny funny fun gituu . aku dah try baca entry entry dier .tapi takdela sempat bace semua . tapi aku tertarik dengan entri nie .
kenapa? sebab aku pun dah lama fikir pasal flats. bukan bagus sangat pun . at least ada tumit sikit . supaya bila kita berjalan, tekanan tu takkan dialihkan sepenuhnya pada tumit kita . mak aku pulak , dok buat forbidden space everytime whenever i try to keep in contact with those 'innocent' looking high heels *as you said :')*

pastu pasal entri dier yang pasal  tudung bawal, tudung indon ngan shawal. hah .
tuh pun aku suke . just aku tak pernah pakai tudung indon lah sebab aku betul betul anti ngan tudung tu sebab tudung tu pun tak suke aku . ha ha . at last, shawl menerajui :')

betul tak ? betul tak ? hohoho. okay cukup.

blogskin dier pun kiut miut macam tuan dier . dahlah dapat rm100 kalau menang . nanti kalau dapat duit tuh, bolehlah aku beli baju baru :') kerana dah setengah tahun aku tak beli baju baru dek kekurangan belas kasihan daripada mak bapakku . huh . tapi .. kalau dapat coklat brownies, sedap jugak . tapi .. aku dah jarang makan cokelat sekarang . taknak obes le katakannn :p bantai je lahhh . kalau orang bagi, aku amek jeeee. hahahaha . aku target rm100 . seratus tuuuuuu . bayangkan berapa banyak baju dan tudung aku boleh beli . dahlah sekarang jusco tengah giat sale ! selain dari memandang dengan pandangan yang pasrah, aku boleh merayu kat tuan punya belog nie ., ;) Izyan Masri .

lastly. pegi tinggal link belog kau kat ruangan komen beliau .
dahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . yeyyyyyy~

alamak! lupa nak tag dua orang !


- wani azmi , owner belog yang haaaaaaawt
- liya liyooo , owner belog yang cunnnnn tak hingaaaat

sekian . timer kasihh .

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

semalam aku jumpa kawan lama aku masa kat sekolah peralihan dulu .
dia nampak bagus . aku ?
dia nampak intelectual . aku ?
dia lawa sangat, taken the same course as me.almost perfectlah .
kalau dia masih ingat, dia penah cerita kat aku pasal kisah dna dia dan mak dia tu .
haha, sumpah lawak gila bila ingatkan balik .

but i could sense awkwardness from her but of course, none from me .
well, i was a freak, remember ?
she didnt seem comfortable when i was saying hi to her .

could sense that she just felt she regret bumping into me .
i was happy seeing her tau !
she was such a dear friend back then.

well said, hun .

kali pertama

oh . kali pertama pasang tali . dan berjaya . dan jari agak berdarah darah . sikit .

tapi perasaan sungguh bahagia . miahahahaha!~

tolong tengok sendiri

cakap banyak tak guna.
manusia manusia yang aku kirakan paling paling tak bersyukur.

klik sini untuk lihat page fb yang diusahakan oleh rakyat indonesia yang tak pernah bersyukur.

dan aku tak pernah tengok benda segila ini yang telah membuatkan aku hampir hampir muntah hijau campur darah "=.=

tak tahulah apa nak jadi dengan rakyat malaysia nie .
apalah ada dalam fikiran mereka .
macam manalah agaknya mentaliti orang malaysia nie sebenarnya.

err .. what i meant was 24/7 dan gula gula .
they were,like, the first kpop group formed in malaysia .
nak tahu lebih lanjut, klik kat bawah nie .
jangan risau . aku TAK PERNAH dan TAKKAN letak link link bodo yang suka bagi orang sakit jantung :p


kerja oh kerja

nak kerja ...........

nak baju baru ............

nak kasut baru ...........

nak tipon baru ..........

mana lagi berbaloi ? rm50 sebulan tapi dapat cuti hujung minggu dan ada tempat tinggal


sejam rm5 untuk 5 jam 2 3 hari seminggu tapi penat sikit ? tapi tempat tinggal kena cari sendiri?

apa yang aku merepek nie ... "=.=

fyi .. aku baru faham yang .. ayah aku takmaw bagi aku kerja rupanya ...
tau tak cara dia bagitau camna yang aku boleh faham lambat ?
mula mula ayah aku cakap kalau nak apa apa kumpul duit sendiri . okayfine.
tak lama pastu bila aku dah ada masa nak kerja nie , boleh pulak ayah aku cakap,

" rm5 sejam kan ? katakanlah sehari kakak kerja dalam lebih kurang lapan jam . sehari rm40 . cukup ke nak sewa rumah ? dahlah duit makan sehari rm30 . "

at first, aku fikir ,

"okayfineee. kalau nak kerja kena pindah keluar dari rumah . sampai hati ayah aku :'(  "

lama lama . ohho . i get it .

" okayfineee.takmaw bagi aku keja kann . cakap je la terus terang ..... payah sangat aku nak paham . habeh, aku nak dapat duit pi shopping dari mana -.- "

Monday, May 2, 2011

tak payah baca.boring.

well .. almost tiga hari parents aku xada kat rumah ..

dua hari pertama, kami berempat .
baru lunch dah rm30 .
hahaha . gila .bukan makan fast food pun .
baru beli lauk pauk ..
petang sampai malam aku sibuk menghantar adik adik aku lak .
nak pergi beli barang lah, nak pergi cc buat kerja rumahlah, (wifi dah kena potong dek desas desus)
sibuk sungguh sampai ke maghrib .
malam tu, adik2 aku tengok tv, aku dah mengadap bantal .
pergg baru sikit aku rasa nie . mak aku tu tiap2 arie dok ngulang amek adik aku ke kelas tambahan. aku yang baru sehari nie, sumpah dah rasa penatnya.

esok tuh adik adik aku yang skolah kat kulim dah kena balik dah .
maklumlah, sekolah kat kedah kan .. cuti pun awal lah sehari ..
yang syoknya, takdak la nak gaduh gaduh dah ..
yang tak syoknya, mula la rasa sunyi .
alamak, adik aku tak makan nasik lagi untuk hari nie!
pukul enam, aku ngan adik aku lepak jusco sampai isyak sebab surau ada kat situ .
senang sikit nak bermaharajalela. ngehngeh.

tika malam menjelma~
lepas balik dari jusco, dah pukul 9 dah .
aku tengok muka adik aku, adik aku tengok muka aku .
last last buka tv, ada hannah montana . layaaaaan~
bosan pulak, tukar2 channel, tengok pulak merong mahawangsa .
bosan lagi? ..tukar lagi channel ..
nasib baik ada seoul sunday repeat petang tadi punya .
sempat la jugak aku tengok lee joon is lovely aku tu . teheehee .
bosan lagi .. tukar tukar tukar channel sampai disney channel .
layan sepangbob, good luck charlie, suite life on deck .
ahhh bosan . aku terus masuk bilik .
bukak laptop, sambung tengok My Princess
adik aku pulak, tido awal awal sebab dia takut susah nak tidur nanti bila aku dah tutup lampu .

lepas solat subuh, aku golek2 atas katil.
dah penat golek, aku terus gi mandi sebab adik aku ajak gi bekpes kat mcd .
lepas mandi, dalam pukul 8 aku terus prengprengggggggggg .
kami lepak kat situ sampai pukul 9.30 .
adi aku ajak pi tengok Thor . fine .
aku turutkan . sebab aku pun nak tengok jugak . hihi.
kitorang balik rumah dulu. tunggu jusco bukak .s
sementara tunggu, aku terdozed off.
'ter' okay?
pukul 11, aku terbangun.
tengok2 tipon ada txt.
ceh.dari adik aku.suruh bangun pi jusco.
aparaa.awai gila.
rilek dulu.
aku pun .. hmm .. cuci muka, mekap dulu 3,4 inci, pastu baru keluaq rumah ( hehe.itu tipu)

tiket wayang pukul 11.45.
adik aku ajak tengok yang 3d punya .
okayokay.aku turutkan jugak.sebab aku pun nak jugak .hehee
lepas habis tengok ,aku tersyok pulak kat Loki .
haha, sudah .
elok dok jalan2 nak pi tempat parking skuter, cousin aku ajak lepak kat pacific .
pukul 7mlm baru smpai rumah .

syukur ayah ngan mak aku pun dah selamat sampai kat rumah kami.
balik2 tu, apa lagi. kena leter lah .
mau tak kena leter . tiga hari, duit belanja boleh pulak tinggai lebey kurang 5,6 ringgit ja dari banyak banyak .
aku diam ja.cakap satgi marah.tak cakap pun satgi kena marah.
lastlast.aku pikiaq, baik aku diam.
dok brokbrekbrokbrek, huh, semua dok salah kat aku.
a ah .memang aku pun black sheep.bagus bagus.tahniah kerana telah melahirkan seekor biri biri hitam dalam keluarga ini. apa apa hal,senang ja, biar yang tua kena marah.bertuah sangat.

oh god. just realised that i've eaten lots and lots and LOTS of fats in these holidays!

dan sekarang, hampir tengah malam. dah . aku penat. aku nak  smayang pastu tidoq.
tima kasih sebab baca cerpen aku yang tah hapa hapa nie . ha ha .
sapa suruh baca.