Sunday, November 24, 2019

vroom vroom

Today I went back to my place with my baby bro. He drove alllll the way to Shah Alam. Kereta manual kan. Alhamdulillah I got extra money to give to him as duit belanja since I asked for an advance of rm300 from le Boss before going back Kampong (or was it during my stay? Hehe) 

I feel the most relieved when I got extra money to give to my family members. My mom refused to take my money since I started for my postgrad programme. But I still 'selit-selit' lah a bit. Malu lah dah kerja pun masih nak meminta-minta from my mom. My mom still insists for me to let her know if I'm in dire... Alhamdulillah even though my salary is cukup-cukup, at least now I could rake some for savings. Thank God for my Boss' hospitality and whomever he is.

I guess it's not so bad after all working here kan? 
But it would always be better on my mind if I could return/give more to my company. If God's will. Will punyalahh! 

Friday, November 22, 2019

See you on Monday

When your Boss texted you about work and your mom came barging in and cried very badly on your bed. How would you feel. What would you do.

Monday, November 4, 2019


your voice always help me 
when i feel alone
I feel so stupid
Got all worked up 
for a phone call
and when i pick up
I dont even have much to say

where’d you goooouu
i miss you soooouuu

Sunday, November 3, 2019

fck this

I guess I finally understand what irks me most:

When people interfere with my plan.

In what way? You plan something with someone and you specifically told them you have other plans later. 

The night before you told them we should go early since you have stuff and they have stuff. you woke up early. And dumb me I thought everyone would let you know that we are going late and the reason of doing that.

Fck. I should not write this anymore. I'm just angry. That's it. Because somebody decides to just text me and continue her sleep instead of telling me the reason we're going later than early. 

I'll cool down. Fck this.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

And I hope we'd be friends forever happily

I have the best of friends who would make a good shelter for stray, lost, abandoned, and surrendered souls. 

Friday, November 1, 2019

I got carried away

And I don't want you anymore.

P/s: I cried in a friend's arms. Without uttering even a word on you. I cried because I really wanted you. Now I don't think I do anymore.