Saturday, June 26, 2021

stupid rant. stupid tears

Am I that much of a burden to my dad? Are we? That he can't wait to stop paying for all of us. Well I think I'm such spoilt brat. But it has been years before we really have time for each other. We've been spending time away from each other so much. And we finally have time, it is too late. He'd rather go to his other family. Rather than fixing his own. Are we such failures? I hate this. Or Wally hate this. I hate that only his money still links us together. Maybe I really am. That's why. My parents are still paying their portions for my house. My road tax and car insurance. Hoping my dad would willing to still pay for it. 

I'm scared that one day we will be left alone by our dad.

I'm scared that I really don't know what to talk about whenever I call up my dad to ask how he's been doing.

Friday, June 25, 2021

asparagus cendawan sos tiram

The day I did stir fry asparagus mushroom and oyster sauce

Bumbu( kisar or tumbuk idc)
Cili padi kampung 10 
Cili besar 2
Udang Kering agak agak (almost segenggam, I think)
Bawang kecil 2 bj
Bawang putih 4 ulas

Oil to fry.
Put in bumbu. Kacau sampai naik bau. 
Put water a bit. (I think like three tablespoons)
Put in mushroom
Put in cut asparagus
Stir them well.
Oyster sauce, fish sauce, sugar, continue to stir
Put in corn starch with water to thicken 
Let it cook a bit while you wash the dishes.

Jom cari nasi panas.

Thursday, June 17, 2021


I think I'm one of the luckiest girl in the world because it doesn't show at all on my face that I've been crying my eyeballs out every night. That's pretty cool, kan. Just make sure to wash your face thoroughly before getting to bed. If not you'll be waking up to some puffy eyes and we don't want that

segala penyakit berjangkit, go awaaayyy

Once in the moon you'll be feeling like wanting to doll up. Tapi office tak buka..... Pakai cantik cantik tapi masuk IPD tak sampai setengah jam je buat apa.. alaaaaa.. wuaaaaaaa

Friday, June 11, 2021

Laksa - uhhh...

Step 1
Step 2

Step 3
Step 4
I did bad. I should've used more bawang besar. Ughh. Tak cukup rasaaa. And I should've cooked the isi ikan firstttt. Then comes the cili, and bawang. Then the daun kesum, belacan, and asam kepingggg. Sheeesh. And two big cans of sardines were a lot. I know I only use two cans because my periuk is such a goddarn big

Step 5 - get help from your sister to cut your toenails. Hehe

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

this is crazy

When Shepherd mentioned about 11 years of Christmases, Thanksgivings and Birthdays, i felt that.
 Good one, Karev.

When Shepherd mentioned about 11 years of Christmases, Thanksgivings and Birthdays, i felt that.

Grey's Anatomy

I'm just at Season 2 Episode 7 and I already feel like shit.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

main masak masak 3.0 yayy

This time around I have my sister with meeee. 

The day I decided to make onde onde.*buns finished it off since I had a sudden meeting.

The day I decided to masak lempeng kepala

The day I decided to do mi goreng
The day I decided to cook nasi lemak pakai susu sejat Carnation (sebab santan kotak habis)
And this sambal I ikut this resepi. But with less cili kering (I only used one cup of cili kering, 5 shallots, 5 little garlic, 1 pack of chilli paste (blend semua) and 1 bawang Holland + bawang besar hiris besar2. Credits to this Cik Matahariku website here. 
Next time nak try resepi ni plak untuk sambal ikan bilis. Credits to this website here . 

The day I really wanted bihun sup

Friday, June 4, 2021

it's the hormone

Ugh I desperately want to get married to these kinds of people and pretty much suits them all the way to the bones.