Sunday, June 28, 2020

bagbag bagbag

Lo and behold, 
Finally I got myself a cool luggage bag!

Now I can return back the one that my parents lent to me yearss ago heheh.
This is one of those days where I succumbed to despair. I fucking hate seeing myself in the mirror, in the picture. 
Everyone is so pretty.
Everyone belongs to somebody.

What is wrong with me?

EDITED: Or maybe they mowing the grass got something to do with this. I couldn't sleep after subuh, was waiting for subuh to end, and this grass massacre happened. Bodo la potong rumput hari biasa tak boleh ke.

Friday, June 26, 2020

barang + melaka

Baru pikir pasal nak pindahkan barang sambil baca kes pun dah pening. Nampak tak laluan ke litigation tu macam mana?

Barang tak banyak pun. Rasanya ada satu meja, satu kerusi, satu kotak dan satu oven untuk diangkat.

Kalau aku kuat, maleh dah nak minta tolong orang lain. Angkat sendiri je. Dah tulang lak tak normal. Lol. Ujian je semua ni. Nasib TheLorry ada. Tu pun kalau tak ada duit lebih sikit (berkat banyak attend meeting gak), babai lah ko wahai barang-barang.

EDITED: alhamdulillah god bless her soul my colleague helped me with my stuff thank god

Tak sangka boss aku yang muka ganas tu suka sightseeing malam malam boleh pi bantai melawat tempat bersejarah A Famosa lah bagai sambil jalan jalan di malam hari. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

werk it werk

I think my collegue really deserves a raise.

She always has a hectic work schedule but still she could remains calm af.

no one deserves a good raise other than her. 

She's married but she could still manage everything!

While me... I'm doing research on CIPAA and af i dont get it but i could feel my temperature rising looking at what my superior asked my colleague to do.

p.s. no i dont think i would ask for a raise this time. maybe when one of us is out then i will consider asking. or quitting, since I noticed myself i am not even doing a good job while I'm here. I am doing as much as I can to improve. i dont want to sink into "I'm just built this way". feels like im giving up on myself.

Will let you know when I really, really have to give up. Later!

Monday, June 15, 2020

second chance

Maybe since I have changed the way I see things a bit (Thanks to Izzati! yayy), today I started doing my job better. i listened better, focused better, and I am also feeling better since I 'tweaked' my confidence level a bit. hehe. hopefully I'll be back to my brighter and more positive of a person.

Sunday with Izzati

Yesterday was fun!!

I spent my Sunday well with Izzati. Rinduuuuu sebab lama tak lepakkk aaaaaaa. The food was good in Naj & Belle. (Thanks to Za for introducing the place to meee) She birthdaytreat-ed me walaupun my birthday was in January heheheh.

Sooo... After a long talk with Izzati. I decided not to go on with my stupid plan which is to resign since the virus is still circulating and how difficult it is nowadays to find good boss and good work environment.

Lagipun savings I pun sikit sangat lagi. How is it possible to live in Penang without any 6 months saving kan kurang kurang pun? Not forgetting the fact how limited my experience is..... 

And so! The dayyyy is savedddd. Thankss to the Powerpuff.. eh. Izzatiii

Saturday, June 13, 2020

dear life partner (if there is one out there for me)

There's so many things I would love to do with you. But you never showed up. And my memory isn't that good anymore these days. I'm easier to let go things I'm hoping for when I totally forget about it.

Kyochon Hana night

Most of the good times aren't recorded. Macam semalam. Lepas meeting kitorang lepak tiga orang sama sama. Pindah pindah tempat since tempat pertama hot seats: Kyochon (orang tak putus putus datang) 

Ingat nak lepak IKEA Cafe for desserts tapi sebab kitorang tiga orang (Dan tempat Tu hanya boleh duduk dua2 orang je satu meja. Or satu orang kat side table) kitorang ke Hana Sushi which is my most favourite place hehehehe.

I pray that the feelings would stay forever the same with these people. Tenang je kita lepak sama sama. And when I woke up this morning, my skin glows kemain ok. So last night was the few nights which I really enjoyed. Thank you God for them. But still I can't make myself get used to this.. they deserve better. I'm trying and still.. 

Thursday, June 11, 2020


Penatlah jealous jealous nih. You are not even mine. If I could live my life without being jealous before, whats stopping me now kan?

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Maybe I should be reeeeally careful with my savings starting this month since I want to start anew next year. That is so going to cost a lot of money

Also, I really want to go travelling there. I just put a stop to my bucket list (and my heart. Ongmlayu says your baju Di badan sendiri. Getting involved with friends whom are so not your league is sad when you are the one who's at the lesser end) since I love eating so much.

Monday, June 8, 2020

the episode where I was so nervous I need to attend cm tomorrow and also nervous what's going to happen next in season 10 Friends


EDITED: ceh. Penat penat nervous, cm rupanya e review. The line even sucks there zzzzzz. But we had Domino's pizza yay!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

coconut candy rush rush

Walaupun sekarang tengah trending #norushchallenge. Aku nak rush rush jugak sebab dah lama teringin nak cuba buat. Balik nanti Kita tengok macam mana hasilnya.

Monday, June 1, 2020

koyok night

I hate first day of period. And sometimes it could extend itself to day three. Or jumpscare me on day five. 

All I want now is just to snuggle, have warm big mug of any tea, and you to snuggle with next to me. Will there ever be such a person who would do that for me willingly? Patiently? Every month for the rest of our lives?

And you. I must stop myself. not thinking about you anymore.

covEid POKAI 2020

I think this month I really splurged myself out.

I got all my family members their duit Raya, I bought my dad his birthday present (I used courier, hope it finds him safely and likes it that it's practical), a cute black necktie (next time I'll buy a blue one pula! tengok prestasi hmm hmm), and I even managed to give out duit Raya to a couple of my friends from the leftover! Alhamdulillah bukan selalu dapat rasa financially liberating ni lol.

Lastly I even got myself a hair dryer. finally! Mulanya ingat nak beli mattress sebab asyik sakit belakang dan tak nyenyak tido i ended up sleeping most of the time in the living room couch tapi takpelah. inshallah ada rezeki lain. mana tahu dapat file lumayan ke lepas ni kan.

i got it at Harvey Norman Ikano after checking out Best Denki at 1 Utama. cheaper than what I had before, but the price's kinda good. I even added rm17( + another 2 years warranty I think) for warranty. Let's see how it goes.

P.s. And I'm finally back bitchinnnnnn with Hafiz M yayyyyyyy

P.p.s. P O K A I ady

P.p.p.s. somebody received his lucky black tie happily heheh