Sunday, January 31, 2016

dupe oh dupe

Hey have i wrote here i gave Ibu a product of Secret Key?

Well if not let me enlighten you. aku tengok mak aku macam dah lama usha SKII Facial Treatment Essence ke entah nama dia tu. and i thought eh ni mesti mahal.

Then, one day I saw a dupe for this SKII product along with SKII product itself. so selepas menimbang tara, i decided to buy Ibu this dupe instead. Sebab i thought oh this dupe is better. 

but then... i saw it didnt even..LUAK..

and i waited. and waited.

i even transferted some of it into a 15ml(kot) spray bottle, hoping that would make it easier to be used. Fat chance.

hmm..silaplah pergi beli dupe walaupun harga lebih kurang je dengan SKII tu...

sedih jugak sebab tak terpakai pun. Aku ada jugak terfikir, kalau aku pakaikan pun takpe. hehe.

tapi kita dah bagi kat orang, takkan nak buruk siku pulak kan. 

tapi aku takut nanti sampai benda tu sampai dah expired pun takdak sapa pakai.. Hmm...:( Biar je lah..

Worth a cry. Or two.

"Sometimes i wonder to myself how foolish i must have been to put together puzzle pieces that were never there, and call it love.." 

- @internallylost

Thursday, January 28, 2016

"Sorry, hang!"

aku hang kami ampa i you 

aku baru sedar yang i'll use them interchangeably kalau dah selesa dengan seseorang tu. Sorry!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


I look at Ibu. Admiring how strong she is to get up no matter how tired and prepare us food on the table.

 May Allah bless you, Ibu.

Monday, January 25, 2016


On the early days when my brother's still in its stage of voice transitioning, my mom kept mistaking me for my bro and i'm like whaaaat's that suppose to mean......... -________-


Honestly moms' "because i said so" sounds WAY better than "Oh awak ingat awak dah besar sangat? dah pandai melawan dah sekarang ni?"

So i'm not allowed to grow up now? 
So you're teaching me how to never think for yourself, how to learn to stand on your own feet, and know how to make decisions for yourself?

And you got mad at me for not knowing how to decide for myself about this and that. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Telur mata.

baru teringat minggu ni HARI HARI apa benda je aku order mesti ada telur mata...........lepastu jeans pun semput.....

tapi tak ada telur mata tak 'kick' ):

dan apa lah punya nasib setiap kali nak shopping mesti masa perut tengah naik itu ini tengah naik. ini dah sebulan tak bersukan. ha padanla muka hang.

Past matters.

yeah i care about people that are circling me. that's why if you're in my past, but then one day "xxx requests to follow you" i'll look at you hard. very hard. thinking what has this person ever made me feel towards them. Did they left nice feelings or not? if none, then no, off you go. 

Why you asked me? Because i used to be so bad with people (and i still am) so I'm not going to take risk by poking my terrible past by reconnecting things that was never even there thank you very much.

Pretty smile

I wish i had great smile like Anne Hathaway.

I wish better for my future partner to think that my smile is as pretty as hers.

Will there be "The One"?

"Why me?"

"Because you saw me when I'm invisible."

yeah well i'm starting to realise i'm making my way to become the next Evil Queen who's going to spend the rest of her life alone. 
or with an eeevilll looking cat.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Bertenang, Ann.

sometimes you just found solace in your doctor's assurance. 

though you realised nothing is quite certain except Him.

Friday, January 22, 2016

dedulu boypreng aku ada dimple. comel siak. lepastuw aku selalu ejek dia cacat hahahaa. marah betul dia masa tu.

tak lama lepastuw dia jumpa orang lain. le fin.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

lunch bersama.....

aku rasa exposé paling besar untuk makan tengah hari ini adalah.... bila duduk depan senior clerks dua orang ni.

automatik terkontrol cara makan semua ha ha ha. sopan santun je gituw. 

haih mana lah tahu bakal mak mentua aku esok silap2 kawan dorang ke kang tak ke kantoi ishhh

Monday, January 18, 2016

click your indicator don't have to pay what

Look. i don't have any problem to give way to others, okay?
But please lah. please click on your indicator before doing that.
If you ever did that while we're at quite distant space, tak apa. my brain may read your act early. this one kind of fella, the space between cars almost sehasta baru nak tukar lane ni apa cerita lah gila.

macam tadi, dah sampai kat tol. tiba2 got this one kancil Pagoh 419 all of sudden main  menyelit je kat tol tu. at first i thought, oh maybe the line was too long and she needed to be quick or what. i looked at cermin. no car at all yet. lepastu i thought jugak. oh maybe i bcs i overlapped the lane next to mine. no i did not. so.. i honked at her lah. yes her. a nurse. this is no my first time became victim to kegilaan committed by a nurse. tak paham betul aku. dah dekat betul2 ni baru nak tukar lane dah kenapa. 

lepastu pulak. you know the interception where after all cars went through tolls we've to be veeery careful since all cars are going to rummage to three lanes. this one fella thought i'm psychic and just decided to change lane when i already got toooo darn close! alhamdulillah syukurrrr sesangat i got to apply the brake on time ya rabbiii. dugaan betul hari ini.

while we're on it, masa atas bridge pulak, ada satu saga biru and silver nissan accident. saga langgar belakang nissan. teruk juga tu. semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan depa aaminn.

protecting me still dear god

ya Allah what a nightmare weh scaryyyynyaaa ala2 Wrong Turn dengan Dead End tapi versi dua orang pelakon je. Pembunuh yang nak enjoy dengan orang yang nk dibunuh. dan flashback kepada what already happened to people before :'( :'(

where the killer would try to get in to sexualize the victim and we in various ways( includes tubes and electric wires would try to kill him but failed) would try to escape from the room. :'(

why am i even telling this here

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Self defense mechanism

To forgive you must forget. Which would be too impossible. so i guess we shall play it like a child does. Sleep on it. Or just forget like things happened. though sakit hati gila gila menyampah.

Bloody Day.

the other day i accdtally kicked a door. there was blood, but until today i still wonder where did that blood come from. definitely there was no open cut or what. Scarehhh

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Don't marry just bcs other people is. Please.

if this is what marriage about after 26 years, then i'd rather not be married at all.

Asyik makan hati je.
Tak ke habis hati tu suatu hari nanti?

Aku yang tengok hari2 ni pun dok berdarah je rasa. Meleleh leleh dah ni.

New book.

woke up and thought the dream was quite real. he called me up to tell me that he's getting married and want me to come to his wedding. Wow. Just wow.

Maybe he needed that new book from my chapter too. In his book, of course.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Don't get married for looks. Just don't.

you know, it saddens me a lot when i look at this particular my two favourite persons. 

When one of them looked at the others eyes with love, yet i see none from the other's. 

25 years meant nothing. Clearly to the other.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Janam Janam

Jehnemmm. Kajol cantiknyaa lahai dalam Dilwale tadiiiii. 
Macam mana lah dia jagaaaa geramnyaaaa kata diri yang kalau makan sentiasa tak sedar diri kbai.

Kalau kelakar tu kelakar sangat. Tapi plot dia aku dah boleh agak agak sikit sikit. tak bestnya lahai.
dulu masa kecik tengok movie rasa macam woww. tapi dah besor besor gini rasa tak best dah asyik fikir kasut dia cantik baju dia cantik badan dia solid kereta kereta yang dipakai omg i wish i could have those pretties! Ha tengoklah.

dahlah tak tenteram langsung. asyik nak meneka je keja. tapi aku buat terkejut jugak la bila betul. and the cheesiest parts the usual bila lagu keluar hero heroin nyanyi nyanyi ada kissing situ sini euw tak seswaii ioll gi tengok dengan adiks euws.

okay lah idk what to ramble anymore. Kdahbai

brw kan