Tuesday, April 28, 2020

hello tuesday

I really was not having the mood to eat for sahur. Didn't have any appetite. Called up my mom to make sure theyre already awake and mom told me my sister was having fried egg. Hmmmm not a bad idea. So I whipped some eggs and ate the remaining churros. Yup, made churros yesterday while waiting for iftar. Ended up finishing everything at 8.15pm while my class starts at 8.30pm lol. Sapa suruh mula masak lambat.

Churros day.
tepung setelah diayak.


after. Lepastu masukkan tepung tadi. Ikut suka nak masuk sikit ke sekali semua. Yang penting bekas kau tu kena dalam. Kalau tak, habehhh. Habeh apa? Try la buat kalau nak tau apa jadi. People learn from mistakes kan. Ha gitew.

lambatnya nak masak! (Api kecil masani. Takut Dalam tak masak)

less is better. I ended up making too much cinnamon sugar. Had to throw them out when I finished rolling all churros.

tak kuning sangatttt. Bentuk pun tak jadi sangaaattt. Pakai bekas free camtu aa. 

ni batch kelima. Lenguh dah aku menekan. Aku buat camni je batch last ni. 

SIAPPPPP! alololo cute kan pelam tu kat situuuu?

VERDICT: adunan yang bagusss. Aku hampir nak buang batter sebab ingat tak jadi rupanya memang camtu jadinya hahahahaaa. Rasa sedapp. Tapi kalau dapat buat said tebal lagi mesti lagi best.

I also marinated some beef to fry. It's much quicker to cook when it's dry meat. I used soy sauce, sesame oil, brown sugar, honey, pinch of salt, chilli flakes, paprika, and also smashed garlic before leaving them in the fridge after preparing it at 13pm lol semangatnya!

Marinate ni aku terinspirasi dari Twitter @milktpapi

 VERDICT: BESTTTTT. Aku plan nak makan dengan kobis Segar sebab macam sedap kalau kombinasi daging goreng dengan kobis yang rangup tu (tengah telan air liur) Tapi sebab kalut kelas dah nak mula terus Aku telan camtu je :(

did my office work in the morning. And watched Kahaani in the afternoon right after finishing my part of the work. Kahaani started slow, gets better in the middle, and gets really entertaining almost to the end.

Harini I nak goreng mi. So I've prepared udang kering, tauge and ayam. Also the garlic and onion. I'm using NuMee's recipe today since I'm using NuMee.

Monday, April 27, 2020


I was always unsure what I like, but this one I reeeeally like since I was 14. Oo la la la


Sunday, April 26, 2020

aglio olio with prawns

I..wanted to prepare prawns for iftar... Baru tercucuk sikit je dah merah tangan kanan ni. Feeling warm and I haven't seen any 'mosquito bites' hehe.

Now, now. My calendar states that today is going to be aglio olio day. I looked up for the recipes and found ones that I thought would be fun to improvise.







Step 1:
prepared the prawn.

shoukdve use a lot more garlic. Ehh

Step 2:

The spaghetti

Step 3:

Before adding ayaq spaghetti

after adding I think like 5 tablespoons of it kut.

Step 4:

Toss toss toss and ta-da!
VERDICT: Quite dry. Too sweet. Terlebih satu sudu gula. I think I did great with the prawns considering my allergic (it's been 10 hours and I still feel great!). I love the sliced garlic being fried moderately. 10/10 would use the recipes again!

And oh yeah. I joined a talk today on Zoom. Very easy to understand for a newb like me heheh.


al mulk read with translation and you

You're like a star. The one I could never reach.

You're like a flower. The one where I could never get to own for you will wilt and turn it into dust if I do so.

You're like the air that I breathe. I'm truly enjoying you, but you won't even see me here breathing because of you, but I thank my god for this. For sending me air where my lungs were really suffocating for air.

You're like the one I never had. Never knew I needed someone like you to cross pathways with mine. Shows me how life could ever be.

I'm really sorry that I'm never good with words. but i found a poem which describe my feelings for you perfectly.

Maybe this poem would do. It was from the beautiful film, The Shape Of Water (2017):

Here are the translation and the original poem:

چون نگنجد شکل تو در عقل من Unable to perceive the shape of You

بینمت در هر مکان و منزلی I find You all around me

زین حضورت، عشق شسته چشم من Your presence fills my eyes with Your love

دل‌زلالم، چون به هر جا حاضری It humbles my heart, For You are everywhere

As for the maker, i stumbled upon this piece too while i was seeking for the maker. It's quite lengthy but bear with me, it is very interesting to read their frantic and fun journey searching for the source of the poem:


" Given the information Kathy and I have amassed, what conclusions can we offer about the poem’s origin?
The most likely scenario is that the poem in The Shape of Water is an adaptation of a poem del Toro read in a book of Islamic poetry he found at a bookstore. Del Toro may have had the book in hand when adapting the poem, or may instead have relied on his memory of the poem’s text. The poem he adapted was likely written by an Islamic lyric poet, perhaps in Arabic or Persian. While the poem could have been written by any of a number of Islamic poets operating in the lyric or mystic tradition given the poem’s common theme, Rumi has quickly become the leading candidate. This may in part be due to Rumi functioning as what quotation expert Garson O’Toole calls a “Host,” a well-known figure such as Mark Twain or Yogi Berra who frequently receives credit for a statement he never made, but which sounds like something he could have written or uttered.
Another possibility is that del Toro is the sole, original author of the poem. In this scenario, he invented the story about discovering the poem in a book at a bookstore, perhaps as way to add a layer of mystery, or mysteriousness, about the poem’s source. This would explain his reticence to give a detailed source for the poem, assuming he actually purchased the book in which it appears, as he has claimed (“It moved me very much, and I bought the book”).
Of course, the question about the poem’s authorship could be answered by del Toro. Did he, in fact, purchase the book of Islamic poetry in which he says he found the poem? If so, he can provide the publication details for the book, and even the page on which the poem appears. I tried informally contacting del Toro through Twitter, but received no response. Perhaps some of the readers of this post are interested enough in the mystery of the poem’s authorship to contact him through other means.
If you uncover any further clues or leads about the poem’s origins, feel free to share below!
Update: Several commenters attribute the poem to the 11th and 12th century Sufi mystical poet Hakim Sanai (pseudonym of Abū al-Majd Majdūd ibn Ādam). Sanai, who resided in Ghazna (modern day Ghazni), Afghanistan, is best known for The Enclosed Garden of the Truth (Ḥadīqat al-ḥaqīqah), which is considered the first major Persian mystical poem. The Enclosed Garden of Truth was first translated into English by J. Stephenson in 1910, and is available online through the HathiTrust Digital Library. In particular, a translation of a section by Priya Hemenway on page 38 of The Book of Everything: Journey of the Heart’s Desire : Hakim Sanai’s Walled Garden of Truth (2002) is a fairly close match, in both content and style, to the poem in The Shape of Water. While Hemenway’s translation may indeed have been the poem that inspired Guillermo del Toro, since it embodies themes presents in much other Sufi mystical poetry, definitive attribution must come from del Toro himself.
Update 2: Commenter Julie points out that a translation by Priya Hemenway on page 41 of The Book of Everything (first line: “Unable to discern the form of You, / I see your Your presence all around.”) is actually much closer in wording to the text of the poem at the end of the movie. I agree, and believe the wording is near enough that it’s quite likely Hemenway’s translation is the one adapted for the movie by del Toro. Thanks, Julie!
Update 3: In response to several readers who commented that a reference to Hakim Sanai appears in the end credits of the movie, I reviewed the end credits again and discovered, near their finish, the following reference:

“Adapted works by Hakim Sanai.” Attribution appearing in the end credits of The Shape of Water.

Bingo! This attribution, which doesn’t name the specific “adapted works” to which it refers, surely must be in reference to poem at the movie’s end."

Naaaaah. At this point I'm starting to think that you were right. Maybe I am in love with the idea of you. That is the only logical explanation for such tremendous and vast feelings I'm having for you. I guess that works for now. After all, I don't ever have the intention of letting you know about all of these junk. lol. 

green tea honey mask on a movie night

After finishing all kinds of solat, here I am awake, since I accidentally fell asleep while reading alquran after subuh this morning. Lol. Only in Ramadhan and MCO. Hurhurhur

Well, my familia sent me a box of joy and it arrived today!

Unboxing it......


Aaaand one of them was ripe enough for me to eat for iftar yeep yeep hooray! mom told me to pop it in the fridge for iftar. i did and thank you lorddddd

Friday, April 24, 2020


(Masa ni tomyam baru step 1. Masak ayam sampai jadi putih gini. Lepastu papp! Tetiba sedikit demi sedikit api kian mematikan diri. Lol) harga gas rm31, tapi sebab kedai pakai gas Petronas, Dan kitorang pakai gas Petron, kena lah extra charge RM10. Melayang rm41..... Syukur juga masih ada cash in hand untuk gas ni.. ye la, last Aku withdraw sebelum MCO kott. Lepas tu straaaaight je cashless transactions semua.

Kahkahkah. Alkisahhhhh. 30mins before iftar the gas decided to die on me...... Thank God for the shopkeeper.

Aaaanyway. Alhamdulillah I managed to do the sangkaya sauce first. Aku ikut resepi ni tapi takdela satu satu aku boleh ikut, sebab perjalanan mencari daun pandan ni Masih belum berhasil dow. Bosannn

sebenarnya aku tak berapa suka sangat resepi yang takde kasih sayang dalam penulisan cara pembikinan sesebuah resepi tu tapi resepi ni ringkas je interface dia, so I chose this recipe instead (selain paling atas lol). 

masukkan semua bahan dan gaul sebati. Aku sepatutnya pakai whisk tapi tangan autopilot kan, suka je capai spatula. Dah siap hidang baru rasa tak smooth sangat kuah sangkaya ni zzzzz.

dah nak jadiii. 

siappp! Ehh lupa letak susu cair.

kukus roti 25 mins (waktu ni la tetiba gas habis zzzz)

thiappp!! So Aku berbuka dengan roti sangkaya ni... Hajat hati nak buat tomyam sebagai main dish, roti sangkaya ni kudap kudap masa untuk moreh je, tapi kita hanya mampu merancang je ye, tuhan yang menentukan. (Eceh ayattt)

VERDICT: okaylaa. So-so. Aku pakai satu setengah sudu gula je. So tak manis pun. Next time nak pakai resepi ni pulak! 

Tomyam ayam.
barang barang ni semua Aku tak sempat masuk lagi masa gas habis. Lepas solat maghrib baru le boleh makan. Hewhewhew. Mujur juga terfikir nak masak dua benda harini kan. Syukurrr 

1. Right after I got my kitchen again, I just recooked the chicken for like 5mins, added 4 tablespoons of tomyam paste to get the consistency that I prefer, wait for like 10mins, added all the lemongrass, onions, smashed garlic, smashed cili padi, daun limau purut and a spoonful of asam jawa, little bit of sugar and fish sauce for taste. Cooked it for like 5 mins.

2. Added all the vegetables in, the enoki, tomatoes and cabbage. I was just trying to finish up my cabbages so my tomyam ended up being veeery full, like full hohohoh. Kacau kacau. Nasib baik aku tak masuk carrot juga kalau tak confirm tak muat hahahh. Reneh semua dalam 10mins lagi. And then you're good to go!

I ended up feeling very sleepy last night after iftar I slept so early i didn't even performed my isyak prayer! Thank God I opened my eyes and it was 0400 hrs. After popping in my pizza bread into the oven, I went to perform my isyak prayer. 

Layer 1

Layer 2

popping in for 150-160 degree for 15-20mins

popping out!

Verdict: The bread was quite hard at the edge but ended up very soft in the middle. Ugh. It fails. I shouldve gone for 160 degree instead. But the cheese melts perfectly. Hard to eat since the middle was too soft and I made two layers of the sausage and crab filamen. But oh well. I still have my tomyam. So I guess it's not that bad. Ramadan Mubarak !

a human with no genuine self confidence

Yeah. Humans like me. Low self esteem is not a joke when even you find yourself cumbersome and irksome. It affects all interactions of yours it becomes disgusting even to yourself.

First night of Ramadhan-mco + sahurrrr


Good early morning. Thank God I have the opportunity to do 11 rakaat of taraweeh. Made it a bit late since I was busy cooking+eating (lol). 
Thought the terung balado would works better as a side dish while watching Friends.

Aaaanyway this is my first sahur for the year. Yayy. Thought it'd be better if I kept the fish curry kuah for future roti jala thing. He he he

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

if I tell you I miss you, what would've you done?

Kita kembali lagi dalam episodddd : terung baladoooo

masak dulu kasi garing. Ni Aku tambah cili both sebab rasa lagi meriah bila letak. Lepastu kalau nak tambah asam keping time ni la kot kuikui mana aku tau aku makan ja tau (Aku jumpa resepi Auntie Azie Kitchen tapi lepastu aku ikut suka hati ja campur dengan video YouTube Indo masak lak hehe)

masuk terung beserta air setengah cawan. Api bukan besar. Sentiasa kacau kacau kacau. Tambah minyak lagi kalau rasa kering. Tambah minyak baru la minang giteww. Dah nampak terung dah layu gitew. Ha tutup api. Siappppp

Verdict: dappppp. Next time confirm nak buat style ni lagi. Rasa besttt. Bukan kaleng kalenggg.

Kisah fridge for Ramadhan 
semoga tahan stok sebulan puasa seorang di perantauan ni inshallah... (Acah skettt) Sorry la semak. Bukan barang aku sorang je k. Hihihi.

hat ni lah dukacita sikit saiz sikit punya besar daaa.... nak dekat sebulan aku tunggu postage... ni dah sampai tengah hari tadi baru ingat nak test-drive try bakar ciskek... Haihh..

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

gulaiiiiii ayam pekatsz

Step 1: Aku blend je bawang merah bawang putih dengan halia ni. Ikut suka kome lah nak mayang ke apa.

Step 2 : bancuh serbuk kari dengan air panas satu cawan. 

Step 3: panaskan minyak. Bunga lawang, kulit kayu Manis dan benda hijau kecil tu. Dah Naik bau, masuk bahan yang dah blend tadi. Kacau sampai jadi karamel gitu. Bukan sampai hangus tau, caramelised camtu je.

Step 4: masuk bancuhan kari tadi. Kacau kacau dalam 6,7 minit. Tak kacau kang melekat kat dasar periuk tu. 

Step 5: masuk ayam. Kacau kacau sebati ayam dengan bancuhan kari tadi sampai ayam tu kering sikit. Katanya bagi rasa ayam tu sejat kat kuah tu baru best. Katanyalah. Aku tak kata. Aku ikut je.

Step 6: masukkan ubi kentang yang telah dipotong enam tadi. Suka hati lah nak tambah bendi ke, tomato ke, ikut suka hati kau lah sebab kau yang nak makan kan. Kemudian tambah air dalam satu cawan. (Aku makan sorang Dan lagi prefer kuah gulai yang agak pekat. so ni ikut sukatan aku sorang makan je) 

Step 7: bila dah mendidih masuk santan. Kacau sebati. Masuk asam gelugor, garam, gula masa ni. Aku takde asam gelugor so aku bancuh asam jawa dalam satu setengah sudu dengan air panas dalam setengah cawan. (I like it better when my cooking tastes a bit soury). Kacau kacau sebati. Masak lagi dalam 10 minit.
Step 8: rasa duluuuu. Dah stabil rasa? Tutup api. Makannnn.

So harini melayang rm220 untuk repair fridge rumah. Rosak masa aku je ada kat rumah. Nasib laa. Syukur ada savings sikit (savings untuk ke jepun la kunun lol) untuk emergency camni. Next week baru gaji. Ramadhan dah mula jumaat/sabtu ni. Semoga umur kita panjang bersama dengan kesihatan yang bagus sehingga ke Ramadhan yang seterusnya.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday mam bam

 pekat betul consistency nya. Resepi ni dapat enam butir pankek. Sorang makan sampai ke tengah hari kenyang.

Bahan basah
Telur (1 butir)
Esen vanilla
Susu Dutch lady low fat (satu cawan)
= Whisk away.

Bahan tepung
2 cawan tepung naik sendiri
Satu sudu teh baking soda
Secubit garam
= Gaul.

Masukkan sedikit demi sedikit bahan tepung tadi ke dalam bahan basah. 
kejadiannya begini selepas tepung terjun masuk ke dalam ya murid murid.

Sediakan pan kuali tidak lekat. Letak sedikit mentega. 
Letakkan satu senduk bancuhan ke dalam pan kuali. Jangan begitu tebal pankeknya. Lambat jarang masak dalam tu. 

Untuk makan tengah hari?

Mulanya ingat nak masak ayam masak merah ke. Kari ayam ke. Tapi Aku keluar ayam sikit sangat. So gua goreng je ayam tu selepas letak kunyit garam pepper paprika dan perap 1 jam. Habis cerita.

Malam? We'll see. Busy lah i gots work on Siang and virtual class is onz tonight.

Ps fridge please don't be broken right now 😢

Update: fridge is rosakz. My presentation during google meet class was horrible. I hate talking in front of viewers aaaaaaaaa