Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Year's kissessss


I want to do it happily with someone who I loveeeeee and who loves meeeeeee back as much and I love him very much tooooo.

I want a halal New Year's kissssssssses gahhhhhhhhh

Monday, December 30, 2019

how strange

How strange that my imagination running so wild that I picture you in one of those comfortable chair, reading. and me bringing hot chocolate to you while giving you a kiss on your forehead. Now that's wild.

Sunday, December 29, 2019


Current dilemma:

I intended to go back since it would be my birthday this Friday. But due to poor planning, I haven't even gotten my bus ticket yet (on a Sunday morning). Been trying to access all the website but it seems that the only available ticket is only this morning (Aeroline bus) and none on the TBS app. Laundry pun tak terbuat lagi since I skipped it on Saturday morning for Aquaria getaway (heheh) 

Now I think I need to inform my Boss that maaaaybe I would go in for Monday and Tuesday (and replace it to Chinese New Year week instead), so since Wednesday is a public holiday, that leaves Thursday and Friday. And I should get my leave on Friday lah since my test is on a Saturday. Should I take my day off on Thursday too? I could just move my morning appointment on my Thursday to Monday instead tho...

Nak balik pun I'm kinda short of money now since I had to get a new handbag (sebab putus tali. Tiga kali Raya dengan bag Tu. UwU) and one of my intended goals is having year end promo 20% (had to top up almost rm300 for this purpose.  Haihss) 

Pukul berapa my dad would be very rich and keep on giving me monthly allowance ni (20k as monthly allowance pun ok hiks) ish heheh

I really want to celebrate with my family but since my birthday would be on a Friday and Saturday is test, now where that would leave me? A lonely birthday, I guess. But then bunbun told me she would get to me on that Friday and have a meal with me yayyyy. So that's good. Ok dah now I made up my mind. I will keep my cuti. diam diam in my house (so that I could be content with watching a lot of horror movies), have my mind peace from work for a while, study for my test, and later have my birthday peacefully and sit for my test and that's it yay! Thank you for reading heheh.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

tingkatkan prestasi!! hiappp!!

My friend just gotten herself a laptop from her Boss!!
She even got a cute card that says Thank you for your best effort! Bestnyaaaaa. 

One day I wish I could be that good wehh. Tak payah minta pun Boss bagi sendiri as appreciation. I really hope I would know what I'm doing one day.. 

Now this motivates me by 35% to work better and has put down my motivation to stop doing litigation by 35% juga !!

Monday, December 23, 2019


Bahaya juga dengan orang baik ni. Baik sangat rasa nak jatuh hati je selalu. 

Aduh penat

Nak kutip tiap kali.

Saturday, December 21, 2019


Ya. Tiga tahun. We had great Raya together thrice.
Maafkan aku. Tapi itulah. Semua benda nak kasi tak boleh juga kan. But then. I really had so many good times with you. You were right there through my happy and sad moments. 

I had to move on by today. I literally used plastic bag today tau dak.............. tali beg aku putuih..... For two days I carried my bucket bag like a baby. 

So last night I saw 

Thursday, December 12, 2019

post cdey

I really want to go to Sarawak...
Thought my employer could sponsor one, but the clients are not paying until now.... thought of using my savings tapi savings tak banyak dah since I had to spend some for my car last month.. Sedihnya...

Last strategy to fork out money to buy her a wedding gift. Maybe a microwave! 

But I really want to see my closest friend getting married up close..... Why.....

Post updated: omg I love you Bosssssssss


Sunday, December 8, 2019

Sarawak gwurlll

Perasaan Aku bercampur baur sekarang ni.
I'm losing my closest friend to her husband :(
On the morning she's taking her flight to Sarawak baru rasa.

I always, always pray for God to easy her way in every way. Especially during her hard times. Especially during the moment I couldn't help but I can only look from the outside. 

Kawan kawan dia ramai weh. Aku nak dekat pun cam malas. Her weekends will be filled with responsibilities and funs. But she never seem to mind. 

She is one of my good friends who always, always inspire me to be a better person. The one who I can always look up to.

There were a few hiccups between us, but she doesn't seem to mind. She values friendships. She values food (like me, hehe). She's great. I wish her happiness. This is one of those friends you don't seem to talk much but deep inside your friendship means a lot. 

Kalau aku kaya, aku dah belanja dia selalu. Belanja dia makan. (Macam dia selalu buat untuk aku) . Beli hadiah wedding besar-besar. Macam peti ais ke. Microwave ke. TV ke. The best brands there is. Ughhh tak boleh panjang langkah bila limited resources ni. 

So sekarang ni pukul berapa nak ada sugar daddy yang boleh tajakan dengan baik hatinya ni? Hmmmmmm 

Sunday, December 1, 2019

little hope

I hope Ash is having fun with me being her friend for all these times. 
Because I am. I really am. 

And I also hope A will deliver safely.

And all my friends with their babies to always be happy.

And along those lines I just hope I would have the same chance. To be happy with someone who would be dying and happy to be with me, as happy as I am to be with him. Being together.