Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Resepi daging sesuatu

I just experienced this whole thing called "agak agak" with my mom and I find it quite funny.
(Putting in the spoon to tenderise the meat. Google says so)

I called up Ibu to ask how long show i rebus daging if the daging are all in small cuts. She asked what are my plan for the daging and I told her I would rebus first and stir fry the meat with some smashed chillies, ginger,onions, and garlic. So she told me this, so that the meat won't lost its sweetness that I should 1. Cut them in thin slices first 2. put it in a wok, 3. Cook them on a medium heat. No need for water. 4. When the water from the meat comes out from the meat, wait till all the water dries up. 5. And more water to the wok. add some water to the meat, at least at the meat level (I just put it here since she said agak agak) 6. Wait till all the water again, dries up. 7. Put them aside

Then I can start with my smashed ingredients. 

Just a liiiitle bit of ginger (we don't want the ginger to overpower the taste of everything)
Terasi (improvised recipe lol)

Fry them.
Add the sliced meat.
Add any vegetable that you like ( I use ladies finger)


So for today's recipe, I dont have the mood to pound with lesung batu. So I get to use my new lovely machine, that's how.
First try: wrong choice

Second try: correct. Proceed

Cool. Maybe next time I'd leave the tomato that I add in without thinking.

Too fine. Ugh. And I didn't even use for more than three seconds. I forgot to control my finger more. I shouldn't push it too much. Ai-yah. It's ok next time we try better.

Look there. Look..Adoiiii

Sebelum tutup API, I added in GARAM and GULA a bit.


Oh well.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Beautiful sunday

This was last night.

 Exhibit A
 Exhibit B

 Exhibit C 

Hear me out. Their minimum order was at least RM10. I just haaaddd to pull this off. And maybe because I was too greedy, the burgers ended up tasting like Dettol........ Why.... I've been waiting for this moment all these week 😭😭😭 

Takpelah... Alhamdulillah ada rezeki juga nak merasa burger waktu waktu MCO ni. The idea was that for each party I would reheat for my next meal. I could never finished them all of in one go to be honest heheh.

UPDATE: had my breakfast wrap with the meat patty leftover. You're a genius, Di! 

step 1 : prepare the fillings for the wrap
step 2 : prepare the mayo + lemon (I substitute it with lime juice since I don't have any lemon)
step 3 : reduce the amount of fillings and put it aside. Too much fillings won't let you wrap it (duh it's called for a purpose laa)
step 4 : ta-da!

Well it doesn't look as pretty as in the picture given next to it.

Presentation : Meh.
Taste : Gooooooodddd
Will you make it again one fine day? : Of course! 

Saturday, March 28, 2020

11 days of MCO

Starting my morning with "following up" by my Boss in the WhatsApp group. Luckily yo man had done it yesturrday. What a genius kan? Fufufufu

Anyway I got hungry and whipped up something good, now that I've finished all of em.

 Before: Booooring 

After: sautéed it with a teeny weenie olive oil so it gets crispy and crunchy.

Original: Prego cheese & herbs, pieces of omelette that I pre-prepared, dash of white pepper, cheese, leftover shredded chicken (I could just eat this with spaghetti for lunch later yayy)

Evolution: put in cucumbers so it has that crunchy taste. I really like tomatoes, but it made my dipping wateryyyy ughh. And I put in some chilli sauce since I'm not that boring just to use salt and sugar to season (lol excuse)

Man..... I miss my family....

Friday, March 27, 2020

six days of IF

aku ni asalnya nak makan wrap je.

dah panaskan wrap teringin nak ada dip pulak.

so aku keluarkan tomato, cili, bawang merah, bawang putih, halia, semua ni aku potong. letak tepi. (chopped stuff)

aku keluarkan ayam. since i bought them by parts (easier for storage), i only took out one container. chicken chop as labelled (by AEON).

google punya google, adalah jumpa satu resepi ni. tapi aku takde fajita dressing.
So i'll just make do with whatever i have right now.

i cleaned up the chicken
put some water in the pot
throw in the chicken
along with some garlic, basil (main lontar je kau ye), and sesame oil
i'll boil them for 30-40 mins

my plan is that when the chicken is cooked,
i'll shred it, put it into the bowl,
along with all the chopped stuff.


i didnt know why but i just started pounding ikan bilis (that i have cleaned and soaked in water) altogether with cili padi and i even put in the lime juice.... macam sedap...
soak in dem waderrrr forestry, girrrrllll

but then the chicken is now cooked
so i started shredding the chicken and put it aside

but then i (autopilot-ly) started to campak campak bawang merah putih in the wok with a little bit of cooking oil......


Why tf did i shmosshed the anchovies and just cooked it half......... it doesnt even taste that good.. it was a big mistake since it tasted like uncooked mix or something... Lapar......

huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... i want yong tau foo and my street burger..................

So I ate cereal 😭 Kellogg's Oats and Honey with milk and thissss 

.....while watching the fresh prince of bel-air. 
Oooh Hilary's outfit is sooo pretty!

I ate too much and too quick of this biscuits. How did I know? I went sakit kepala already at my 20th piece..... It only went away when I drink a looootttt of water. Like aaaa lotttt. 

It rain yow! Soooo I got creative when I added flour in the wrap dipping sauce (ew sauce lah sangat). Pa lagiii, boleh buat cucoq bak anggg. [patut la rasa familiar bila rasa sauce for wrap (again. Layak dipanggil sauce keeee) tu tadi kahkahkah.]
i swear it looked yellower in this picture idk why lol

the lighting was bad but the taste? HAAAAAAAAAAAAA. EDIBLEEEE YAYYY
(by this moment i knew im a genius omg)

And I did teh masala too! But it tastes quite bland since I only used one tea sachet. Duhhhh Di.. obviously.......
I made em in this. Cool cerek/teko, ey mate?


Anyway I just bought groceries yesterday at a veeeery early morning. Reached AEON by 9am kottt. Awal kannnn. In order to minimise contacts with other humans lah konon. Siap wave lagi (used my debit card)
mahalnye........ Kos sara hidup...... Baru ingat nak beli baju raya awal......

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

apa itu sambal telur hancur

I tried cooking sambal telur hancur today. Basically it's the same as sambal telur yang kita pakai telur rebus tu, but this one youre going to break the egg while cooking the sambal.

Bawang merah
Bawang putih

Tunggu naik bau.

Kemudian masuk,
Coli boh tiga sudu (pedas sikiiiit je. I can't handle pedas much these days)

Masak sampai pecah minyak 
Masuk air sikit

Tunggu sampai sambal garing sikit (baru best heheh)

Masuk sos cili
madu (saja mengada tak pakai gula, but the sweet is barely there la I warn you)
Asam keping/limau nipis (I used air asam jawa. Made the sambal tasted not that sour which is a mistake to use it, also makes the sambal looks darker. No fun)
Masuk air sikit
Tunggu sampai sambal garing
Rasa dulu.

Bila rasa tu dah cukup masam masin masam (tak cukup masam, jadi saya tambahkan tomato. adds up that sour taste, veeeery lightly je la) macam yang awak nak dan awak rasa hmm okay la ni, baru awak pecahkan telur (I used two eggs)
Wait until the eggs get cooked a bit baru kacau
At this stage you can stir the eggs a bit if you like the eggs a bit uncooked and dishevelled (lol)

I know it doesn't look very appetising. Let alone pleasant for the eyes. But hear me out. Sedap jugak la. My mistake was that I used air asam jawa, as it darkens the sambal colour miserably lol. But the taste is there I promise you heheh.

Update: it tastes weird when it gets cold
I steamed some buns. Instruction asked to steam for 3-5mins. Had to steam it for 15mins since I got no steamer pot. Tu pun masih keras sikit.

Update: after constructing the new rack for almost an hour (you thought it was only 5mins easy huh bonehead) I'm still hungry.

Update: I made some vegetable soup. I now declare this day as cheat day! Ugh I would love for some salmon sashimi sushi bento nandos fried chicken garden salad egg burger oh my god I am so grateful I get to sit at home without worrying what to eat tomorrow. Thank you God. May God ease everything for the nice people out there too.

Update: I am not proud of myself.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Maybe writing this would help.

SInce it seems petty. and i dont have anyone to share with, here it goes..

I just read the news that one policeman in Kedah has finally breathed his last due to Covid19. And I cried and cried. My dad is one of the frontliners. I have told myself again and again. Whatever happens, he is still my dad. I hate his conducts, but this does not mean that i would ever wish saomthing bad to happen to my dad, Whatever he is now, at least he was once the best father I could ever ask of.

Tuhanku, panjangkanlah umur kedua-kedua orang tuaku supaya sempat aku berbakti kepada mereka.
I am really really really worried since the government  is taking this very lightly by not equiping them with the best protection there is to these civil servants who is serving their nation. They are not well equipped like China, Korea, and other countries.

I am shivering. just thinking if anything bad were to happen to any of my family members.


Hari ketiga IF

Yeah I have until 2pm to have my meal for the day.
Just did some workout I found on the net. Thought I could use some workout session while working out a few teases for him. 

What to cook for today eh...... I did carbonara yesterday.... So today..... Some vegetable soup could be nice.. 

Sunday, March 22, 2020

resep terung belado

Now that my lunch is cooked, let's have breakfast!

And I even purposely tried my best to tear it just a little ishh 

Now not pretty dahhh haihs

Oh yeah. I'm starting my IF today using this one app called whatever its name is, so I've picked so that I'm skipping my dinner. Sooo I've stir-fried some aubergine for my afternoon meal (without rice, ofc. Oh I'm dreading this while I'm typing)

No blender so I tumbuk all the way. Put oil a bit usually if use blender but I might have put it after tumbuk.. hahah.. (awkward laugh)

Cutting up these purple things and soaked it in water + salt a little 

I grilled this inappropriately shaped terasi a bit. Or belacan is what we called it in malaysia. Saja nak flex tahu Bahasa Indonesia sikit lol.

half fried these purple. A bit cooked. Not that much cooked since we're stir-frying it later. We don't want it to be soaked with very much oil when we stir-fry it later okay. Tak sedap. Squishy. And squishy concept is never good nor tasty for your vegetables.

heat up a spoonful of cooking oil. Don't use olive oil. They're not for stir-frying. You'll ended up poisoning yourself. We don't want that since we have a lot more food to eat, a lot more paths to take, okay? Get the grilled terasi in. Smash it with whatever utensil you're using. Put in your smashed stuff. Those onion, garlic, and chillies. Next time I'll put in halia a bit lah. I don't have any today. Stir them well. 

Put a bit of water just to get it going. We're just trying not to get it burnt by now. Stir and stir. You can add more oil if you want. Put some salt and sugar if you want by now.

Then put in those purple beauties in. Stir and stir for a few more minutes. And............ VOILAAA!

I curi makan a bit and eeeekkk bolehlaaa. Maybe I use too little terasi lah.. tapi ok lah not bad ye. Well done, Di! Now you can watch your Netflix Kim Tae Hee Hi Bye Mama yayyyyy