Friday, April 29, 2016

Ann neeedssss funnnn

damnit i need some fun in my life.

i hate living far from my friends why god why

i feel like i've been missing out A LOT :'(


i need my friendss around :( :( :(

yeah well perhaps this distance should teach me something. That maybe even if i'm around, it's not me whose they gon be with i guess....

with Q getting betrothed, i should be happy for HER but why do i feel miserable whyy it's not like i could never see her again ke apa kan

dammit why don't i have a bestfriend to tell this to??

eh eh kalau ada perhaps i wont feel these though ha ha ha hambar

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Dear God

how to have bestfriend 101.
how to have permanent bestfriend 101.
Sempat lagi ke. aku dah 24. :(

Monday, April 25, 2016

Saya masih percaya dengan mantra ini: "segala sesuatu ada waktunya." 


i could never care less if any of my friends want to flaunt his/her wealthiness.
Maybe he/she's gone through enough
Maybe he/she just feel like doin it
Maybe he/she is a snob
Maybe he/she thinks it's important to show the world what he/she has
Maybe he/she just thought of a way how commoners do things and they just want to act like one
Maybe for whatever reason there is
Unless they gon shove it on my face lah
When that happens, yes please fudge off bcs you're annoying me much
Well, who wouldn't be?

Saturday, April 23, 2016

aku hanya serangga

sometimes you thought it really matters to let them know of your feelings. sometimes they do not aware that we've mustered like, a whole LOT, of courage to let them know of things you think that's matter to let them know. and sometimes too, they don't even realise you meant a lot to them, and that's why you thought they should.!But then they don't.

Friday, April 22, 2016

i miss having someone i can call mine. 
but 'mine' is such a selfish word...

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Udang bangang

asal makan udang je muka kembang semangkuk..........
muka akulah paling teruk ni... leher ada sesikit. kat lengan ada la 4,5 dots macam nyamuk gigit. bahu lagi. tapi muka........

takpa! baru telan cetirizone! aku ada ingat Kak Ita pesan kalau allergy boleh cuba telan mana2 ubat selsema. setelah meneliti koleksi2 ubat di rumah, aku pun jumpa Cetirizone. Jadi untuk mengelakkan supaya aku tak jadi doktor sendiri, aku pun meminta nasihat doktor. mudah aje sekarang kan. tweet aje. God bless you all, nice doctors and doc-to-be!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Hymn for the weekend

May God bless whoever runs KTM now.
Kemudahan surau dan cafe saaangat selesa. For me it's enough lah.

Kali pertama aku solat kat musolla ETS. sebelum ni solat di tempat duduk aje. Telekung dan sejadah dah disediakan. Takdela besar mana, tapi cukupla untuk satu orang/dua orang solat.

Aaaanyway. aku baru balik dari mengambil jubah. Menginap di rumah Ati. nasib kau la Rumah dia tengah renovate. tapi selesa je pun. sebab bilik Ati dah lama siap. Bilik air dia fuh puas aku mandi pasal pakai air kolah. Shower memang ada tapi pakai air kolah syahdu + nostalgic sikit kot. Lol.

Kelmarin penat beratur dalam panas. tapi alhamdulillah la kami sihat walafiat. aku tengok ada sorang brader tu siap dengan  crutches ambil jubah. So aku sangat bersyukurlah dengan kesihatan aku sekarang.

And baaaaaaanyak sangat aku splurge untuk makanan. Nak harey hari jumaat tu sampai sampai je melepak di nü sentral. sementara nak tunggu Ati habis kerja, sempatla aku makan macam2 jajan [read: 2 servings of takoyaki, hot n roll(pizza beef), chatime regular sized, bebola ayam & mashed potato masa tengok wayang seram]
lepastu lepak surau GSC pulak. adalah dalam sejam jugak ke 45mins je entah.

lepastu Elle datang, Ati pun. so kitorang lepak minum minum di Gravy Cafe amenda. lepastu pekena sushi dengan sashimi di Sushi Zanmai. i forgot how good it was there. and my first time pekena sashimi di situ? terharuuuuuu sebab kenapa s-e-d-a-p sangat. aaaaasfhdgjkllzxbmvn

Lepastu pergi Melur & Thyme pergi jenguk kejap firmmates Ati di situ sebelum bergerak ke Bangsar untuk berjumpa dengan Ayun. Kat situ kitorang lepak PappaRich. Mula mula ingat nak lepak Nirwana, tapi macam biasa, tempat tu penuh nakharey so tak jadi. 

Esoknya (hari Sabtu) jam 12 gerak ke Shah Alam dan lunch di Orkid Thai dengan classmates Ati. Lepas makan, terus gerak ke UiTM. so sampai dalam 2.45ptg jugak. By 5, baru selesai semua alhamdulillah! Lepastu lepak dengan Ayun bertiga kitorang (Aku Ati Ayun) kat Kedai Kopi. Semua pakat pakat order air je semua dahaga ya AMAT. aku dah order air kelapa. My thirst is quenched! Ayun chow, kitorang pergi kedai telefon kejap pasal aku nak tukar tempered glass phone aku ni. Tapi yang gelap biasa aku pakai tak ada stock. aku suka yang gelap pasal aku ada silau jugak rabun aku no. dan paling penting people cannot peek whenever I'm on it. Sayangnya dah tak ada, aku tukar jelah yang biasa rm8 :(

Lepas tu ke Wong Solo. Ati baik giler melayan kerenah anak dia yang sorang ni lolz.

dalam jam 9 kitorang dah gerak balik Langat and i thought to go tunjuk bintang later, tapi tak jadi sebab Ati sibuk mengemas rumah dengan ahli2 keluarga yang lain. dalam 2 pagi baru selesai semua kot rasanya.

dan harini, not much. tido sampai jam 10, aku asyik bangun baring tido mandi baring tido last2 aku kejut Ati suruh dia bangun mandi herherherherrr

dah breakfast rumah Nenek Ati (buruk tak perangai datang makan aje i know jangan marah) kitorang balik rumah Ati balik (selang 2,3 rumah aje) main main phone kat ruang tamu, terlelap di situ sampai 2,3mins sebelum Azan Zohor berkumandang aku terjaga then lepak bilik before solat. dah siap semua, gi rumah nenek salam semua orang, diorang ajak lunch pulak amboi lauk sedap sedap lagi pulak aku kontrol diri makan sikit aje walaupun Salad Nogori aku macam melantaks sikit. eherherher

jam 3.40petang kitorang gerak, dalam jam 5 baru sampai Nü sentral. gi lunch (again) i ate Lamb Kofta not bad. saiz Small je pun kenyang macam makan satu ekor kambing (acah sangat) itupun dalam RM67 nokharey. then akupun kocoh kocoh la salam peluk cium Ati semua ke Platform 9 3/4 ok acah Harry Potato. Dah lari lari tengok2 delay 15mins. aku nampak ada kedai buku. masuk kejap dan nampak buku2 untuk belajar bahasa Asing. Cari bahasa Jepun dang it nampak Vol 2 je. Vol 1 harey habeh kena telan ka. lepastu terus diorang buat announcement Train dah sampai so aku tak belilah :( sedih

dan sekarang aku masih dalam train. baru lepas Ipoh rasanya.
semoga perjalanan kami selamat.

Tq Ati for your hospitality wuaa nak nangis sebab terharuuu

p.s. tak lupa buat MakCik umur 70 yang duduk sebelah aku yang sangat wise dan aku ada berharap sikit supaya mak mertua aku cool sebegitu. or susah sangat, aku aje jadi gitu.

p.p.s. Q is getting married. She'll be getting engaged before 30th of May (of this year jugak can you believe that!), sebelum parents dia pergi Mekah.  Paling  awal, mungkin Sept dia akan nikah. tarikh bebetul betul katanya later baru decide. I'm soo happy for herrr but i feell soo sadd jugak at the same time :'( 

Monday, April 11, 2016


Law. At first i was hoping I could finish law foundation as soon as I can. I hated it. It was so hard. I blamed myself for not being good enough for dentistry or tesl. But one day I brace myself and say to myself. Maybe this won't be so hard if I stop being so hard to myself. So I let loose and try to learn to accept the fact that taking law might be the best for me.

now I feel that taking law is so important because i'd like to know more about our legal system. Well i feel that it isnt so bad after all to know more about law term or law language. And I think it's great to learn about law first, before we start to criticise or asking govt to amend them. Taking law challenges myself to learn something that is more serious in my life as i tend to take things for granted... I just hope i can survive my degree well enough to catch my dream.

Law makes me think hard whatever we could do to change the bad system of govt. As one of my lecturers ever said to us, '' sometimes govt needs somebody to remind them things they might have overlooked." i could never agree more with that.

And last but not least, i want to make my dad proud of me. I want whatever he has sacrificed for me to be something that he'll never regret. I'm hoping to take care of my parents one day with their proud smile of me as my encouragement to live my life. 



January 19, 2013, 12.10pm.

aren't we?

we avoid to discuss taboo things. but in quiet one will grow out of curiosity. 

people tend to venture things they don't understand. Just out of curiosity. and for the sake of being different from others too, i guess.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Tak logik!

Most of the stories of my life doesn't make any sense. Sometimes illogical. 
So Ibu never seemed to trust me wehenever i try to explain. Nor that she cares more than what she really presumes anyway.

Monday, April 4, 2016


i really, really, really, really, really, want to go to Japannnnnnn
nak pergi theme park dia
nak rasa semua japanese food
semua japanese games
else bawak balik lelaki jepun yang segak segak oso can lah why not
nakkkkk pergiiiiiiiiiiiii

kalau dapat hadiah convo ke memang cantik lah sesangat.
or hadiah belated birthday ke.

Saturday, April 2, 2016


aku selalu jealous dengan orang.
Orang2 yang confident bila berjalan
bila diambil gambar
bila senyum
bila bercakap
bila bila je
yang don't give a pug whatever you want to say about them.

pukul berapa aku nak macam tu :(