Tuesday, June 30, 2015

My Horror Movies List

I just watched 2002 Three's Going Home and i don't understand. Is it the wife or the husband who's alive? Just because at the end of the story, there was a videotape showing it was the wife who'd performed the Chinese herb bath. And has that little guy found his way home? So it turns out that the little girl was the couple's aborted child. Darn it was poignant to the core!

I now decide i loved this one better than Fruit Chan's Dumplings. Well after all that exquisitely portrayal from Mads Mikkelsen, heck, jelly baby doesn't look such tempt anymore kot.. Eher her her.

My horror movies list is expanding! Yeay!
(just randomly listed, not accorded to my personal favourite chart)

1. Confessions (2010)
(You just have to watch this!)
2. Silence of the Lambs (1991)
(My personal favourite!)
3. Sweeney Todd : The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)
(Fascinated by the all the blood puddle haha)
4. Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (2005)
(Yeah, revenge alright)
5. The Doll Master (2004)
(This is soo sad.. T_T  )
6. The Loved Ones (2009)
(Interesting and easy to digest)
7. The Seasoning House (2012)
(Kinda revenge like I spit On Your Grave thing. Cool to watch)
8. Dead Silence (2007)
(I dislike puppets.. Let alone, the one with cut-out tongue.. *Horror*)
9. The Theatre Bizarre (2011)
(This piece just screams EWWWW)
10. As Above, So Below (2014)
(Kinda like heaven and hell stuff)
11. Three
(Going Home was interesting.)
12. Three Extremes
( Some i don't get why, some i do. Obv not the Korean piece)

Okay then, i'll two other more stories from Three. Gonna watch that in a bit. Good day!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

tak alim pun.

kadang2 manusia ni nama je manusia.
tapi dia tak cakap bahasa yang sama dengan kita.
ataupun dia pilih untuk tidak bercakap langsung. buat aje apa yang dia suka.

macam perempuan ajak lelaki masuk BILIK dia.
memanglah tak buat apa.
tapi cuba berperangai macam orang ada agama sikit.
selemah lemah iman kan.
dah agama je yang boleh bataskan pergerakan manusia ni sekarang.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Just.. stick this on your forehead.

saying that this moment is the last to you whom i loved so much
even if you try to turn it back, even if you hold onto me crying, i was the one who said no and bid our farewell

i always act strong,
but i’m a cowardly man didn’t have the confidence to protect you forever and left

don’t love someone like me again
don’t make someone to miss again
one who looks at only you and needs only you
meet someone who loves you so much they can’t go a day without you.. please

hurting, you try to hold me back,
but i’m a cowardly woman who doesn’t have the confidence to give happiness to anyone beside her

don’t love someone like me again
don’t make someone to miss again
one who looks at only you and needs only you
meet someone who loves you so much they can’t go a day without you

even if we are ever to regret our breakup
i can’t do anything but give you our farewell

don’t cry in pain counting the time that’s passed
don’t miss a foolish love that’s already passed
one who looks at only you and needs only you
meet someone who loves you so much they can’t go a day without you..

please, i hope that you’ll be happy


yes this is one of those moments i just want to cry off my broken heart.

yes this is one of those moments i need to burn it out.

Because it's easier that way.
At least, at this particular moment.

Sent from my iSpaceship

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Art. 8(2) FC and Noorfadilla.

Noorfadilla bt Ahmad Saikin v Chayed bin Basirun & Ors [2012] 1 MLJ 832

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, 1979 or CEDAW is a form of instrument to aid with women’s rights created by the United Nations General Assembly and it is an international treaty adopted in 1979 consists of 30 Articles of women’s rights to equality and non-discrimination. It also obliges governments to pledge women “the exercise and enjoyment of these rights”, as stated in Article 3 in Part 1 of CEDAW.

In July 2001, Article 8(2) of Federal Constitution was amended to include gender as a basis for non-discrimination and it was a gesture by Malaysia to show commitment by signing and ratifying it in 1995. Legally, it had the force of law in Malaysia as the country had acceded to the latter human rights treaty.

As a general rule, everybody is equal before the law, as stated by Article 8(1) of Federal Constitution. Now, with the existence of Article 8(2), a person is not to be discriminated due to his/her gender, let alone by his/her biological sex differences.

Noorfadilla had obtained employment as a Guru Sandaran Tidak Terlatih (a temporary teacher on a month-to-month basis) and when she was asked to attend a compulsory briefing, she was asked whether she was pregnant.  When it was known that she was pregnant with three month baby, her employment placement memo was withdrawn.

Discrimination is a form of unequal treatment.  When she was dismissed due to her pregnancy and Noorfadilla then took legal action against the government in 2010 after Hulu Langat district education officers revoked her appointment in 2009. It is discrimination when a woman is dismissed due to her pregnancy. Indirectly, the government is discriminating her by revoking her employment after knowing that she was pregnant.

A pregnant woman is justified by the principle of reasonable classification; nonetheless it was only applicable to Article 8(1) and did not apply to Article 8(2). On basis, it is formulated by Aristotle  in reference to Plato: “treat like cases as like”. Under sameness standard, women are always compared to men. The formal equality does not help much in the pregnancy situation because male cannot get pregnant. Thus, formal equality practice disadvantages women.

By realising this, it is preferable to select one with equal opportunity and equal outcomes for both men and women, which screamed substantial equality. Women and men cannot be similarly situated, scientifically at least. Women can get pregnant. It is an acknowledged sexual biological difference between males and females. It may be said that only females will suffer this form of oppression and is prone to be dismissed under this standard as males are never pregnant.

Men and women are not the same, as women can get pregnant. Simply put, the employer has treated Noorfadilla unequally due to her biological sex differences. It is of no right of the employer to penalise their employees due to pregnancy alone. Such a term is good example of unequal treatment.
By revoking Noorfadilla’s employment, the employer has failed to let her enjoy her right of living and also, failed to extinguish the dichotomy between public and private spheres and lets discrimination to be allowed. Noorfadilla was later then awarded RM300,000 in damages for breach of her constitutional right to gender equality.

While Noorfadilla may have won the case because of her status of public actors, Malaysian courts have been very reluctant to hold private companies liable for breach of constitutional rights. Such act is illustrated in the case of Beatrice Fernandez when a flight stewardess sued Malaysia Airlines when they fired her after she became pregnant and refused to resign.

In a nutshell, this form of adverse treatment is unlawful as it defeats the purpose of the existing of Article 8(2) which to allow one to enjoy her right of gender equality. A woman shall not be treated unfavourably just because they are different than men but instead, the differences should be embrace by the society. Be it a public actor or even private actor, every employee of Malaysia should have the privilege to enjoy their constitutional right to gender equality as permissible by law. -NS-

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Nisekoi ep172

Chitoge : I was called his bestfriend recently... That  guy says i'm his bestfriend. I'm happy about that and all, but I'm wondering... I'm worried that it'll end before it even begins...

Onodera : But i don't think it's really a bad thing, you know? A 'bestfriend'. It's not something that people say so easily , even if they're the same gender, i think. I think that at the very least, it's certain that you're someone important to them. at the very least he doesn't hate you.

comel kan diorang???? zzzzzzz serius aku tak sabar nak download anime dia. tapi busy lah sekarang.. laptop pun dekat Elle lagi.. belum ambil sebab busy. yelah haritu tiba2 terpadam mana tak melompat uhuk huk huk. dia cakap bateri aku mmg takleh pakai langsung dah. jadi, pelajaran sudah dipeljari.. kalau pakai laptop, please cabut bateri belakang tu (on AC je) atau pakai kekuatan bateri sahaja tanpa plug in charger. Alah, kalau aku tak pakai gitu pun takpe kot. dah nak masuk lima tahun dah aku pakai laptop tu pun. Fair enough, right? (selamatkan diri! wihooo)

seorang manusia baru sedar yang Shingeki No Kyojin dengan Attack On Titans adalah benda yang sama. '-________- kbye.

What people don't realize about publicizing their sins online...

read this and i think i should share it with you. and just so that I won't forget...