Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Hujan lebat.

i would ALWAYS start thinking worthless matters whenever i'm on the verge of breaking up inside, whenever my period's coming or even whenever i forgot of Him. astaghfirullah..
but mostly i realise, whenever my period is on lah kot. heheh.

macam sekarang, ha ni tiba tiba rasa lonely lah apa lah. whadaheck mannnn. itu lah. once in a blue moon, memang akan ada rasa ni.

there goes the saying, '' don't be in relationship just because you feel lonely.'' Of course, it's not fair kot for the other party. kau dengan dia masa kau bosan saja. kau ingat apa? anak patung? kura kura? meja makan? gila. perasaan orang woi. buatlah macam macam, esok tuhan bagi anak kau rasa apa yang kau buat kat orang lain, ha amacam. tak nak aku. kalau taknak, cakap terus terang, tak nak. jangan nak main reserve, reserve. that;s just like, you're kiv-ing soalan for later. and selalunya next class kita akan ended up lupa pasal soalan yg kita k.i.v. tu. at least soalan tak ada perasaan (or do they?) kalau orang? takkan sebab kita taknak dia sekarang, kita bagi harapan kat dia awal awal dulu kan. tak adil bagi orang tu, sungguh tak adil.

baik aku sorang sorang lagi bagus. so sekarang ni aku tengah praktis suka kucing. esok esok kena bela banyak banyak buat peneman setia kan.

i'm always afraid, like, how do people even learn to accept other people's weaknesses? well maybe the other side could do so, but i  just dont think i myself could handle that. honestly.

dulu, i used to think that, i could seriously can easily accept baik buruk orang. but what if the other party wont do so? now i think otherwise.

i dont know. with time, i changed a lot. maybe it's because my surrounding. how they make me felt. i just.. dont know.

after all, feelings are to be felt, not described or even be typed, right?

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