Saturday, June 6, 2015

Nisekoi ep172

Chitoge : I was called his bestfriend recently... That  guy says i'm his bestfriend. I'm happy about that and all, but I'm wondering... I'm worried that it'll end before it even begins...

Onodera : But i don't think it's really a bad thing, you know? A 'bestfriend'. It's not something that people say so easily , even if they're the same gender, i think. I think that at the very least, it's certain that you're someone important to them. at the very least he doesn't hate you.

comel kan diorang???? zzzzzzz serius aku tak sabar nak download anime dia. tapi busy lah sekarang.. laptop pun dekat Elle lagi.. belum ambil sebab busy. yelah haritu tiba2 terpadam mana tak melompat uhuk huk huk. dia cakap bateri aku mmg takleh pakai langsung dah. jadi, pelajaran sudah dipeljari.. kalau pakai laptop, please cabut bateri belakang tu (on AC je) atau pakai kekuatan bateri sahaja tanpa plug in charger. Alah, kalau aku tak pakai gitu pun takpe kot. dah nak masuk lima tahun dah aku pakai laptop tu pun. Fair enough, right? (selamatkan diri! wihooo)

seorang manusia baru sedar yang Shingeki No Kyojin dengan Attack On Titans adalah benda yang sama. '-________- kbye.

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