Sunday, January 31, 2016

dupe oh dupe

Hey have i wrote here i gave Ibu a product of Secret Key?

Well if not let me enlighten you. aku tengok mak aku macam dah lama usha SKII Facial Treatment Essence ke entah nama dia tu. and i thought eh ni mesti mahal.

Then, one day I saw a dupe for this SKII product along with SKII product itself. so selepas menimbang tara, i decided to buy Ibu this dupe instead. Sebab i thought oh this dupe is better. 

but then... i saw it didnt even..LUAK..

and i waited. and waited.

i even transferted some of it into a 15ml(kot) spray bottle, hoping that would make it easier to be used. Fat chance.

hmm..silaplah pergi beli dupe walaupun harga lebih kurang je dengan SKII tu...

sedih jugak sebab tak terpakai pun. Aku ada jugak terfikir, kalau aku pakaikan pun takpe. hehe.

tapi kita dah bagi kat orang, takkan nak buruk siku pulak kan. 

tapi aku takut nanti sampai benda tu sampai dah expired pun takdak sapa pakai.. Hmm...:( Biar je lah..

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