Sunday, November 24, 2019

vroom vroom

Today I went back to my place with my baby bro. He drove alllll the way to Shah Alam. Kereta manual kan. Alhamdulillah I got extra money to give to him as duit belanja since I asked for an advance of rm300 from le Boss before going back Kampong (or was it during my stay? Hehe) 

I feel the most relieved when I got extra money to give to my family members. My mom refused to take my money since I started for my postgrad programme. But I still 'selit-selit' lah a bit. Malu lah dah kerja pun masih nak meminta-minta from my mom. My mom still insists for me to let her know if I'm in dire... Alhamdulillah even though my salary is cukup-cukup, at least now I could rake some for savings. Thank God for my Boss' hospitality and whomever he is.

I guess it's not so bad after all working here kan? 
But it would always be better on my mind if I could return/give more to my company. If God's will. Will punyalahh! 

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