Perasaan Aku bercampur baur sekarang ni.
I'm losing my closest friend to her husband :(
On the morning she's taking her flight to Sarawak baru rasa.
I always, always pray for God to easy her way in every way. Especially during her hard times. Especially during the moment I couldn't help but I can only look from the outside.
Kawan kawan dia ramai weh. Aku nak dekat pun cam malas. Her weekends will be filled with responsibilities and funs. But she never seem to mind.
She is one of my good friends who always, always inspire me to be a better person. The one who I can always look up to.
There were a few hiccups between us, but she doesn't seem to mind. She values friendships. She values food (like me, hehe). She's great. I wish her happiness. This is one of those friends you don't seem to talk much but deep inside your friendship means a lot.
Kalau aku kaya, aku dah belanja dia selalu. Belanja dia makan. (Macam dia selalu buat untuk aku) . Beli hadiah wedding besar-besar. Macam peti ais ke. Microwave ke. TV ke. The best brands there is. Ughhh tak boleh panjang langkah bila limited resources ni.
So sekarang ni pukul berapa nak ada sugar daddy yang boleh tajakan dengan baik hatinya ni? Hmmmmmm