Sunday, April 4, 2021

Hikmat dan Kisah Pinggan


Haritu aku pi rumah kawan aku. Masa tu memang agak tepat sebab rupanya dia dah mula cuti dan nak bersalin di Kampung. Kawan aku seorang ni memang dari aku kenal dia, sifat dia tu sentiasa menyejukkan hati aku yang senang panas ni. Sekarang ni bila dia ada anak, anak dia pun bagi effect yang sama dekat. Anak-anak orang lain, biasalah budak-budak kan. Tapi anak dia ni alahai... Sejuk betul hati aku tengok. Dan aku sentiasa terharu sebab aku jarang datang jumpa dia je, tapi alhamdulillah setakat ni anak dia tak ambil masa lama sangat pun dengan aku. Benda tu pun dah buat aku jadi awwww =D

Mak dia ni pula, tengah mengandung anak kedua. Dah tujuh bulan. Bulan keenam baru pergi buka buku merah. Kena tegur nurse katanya sebab lambat sangat. Hehe. She told me she wasn't prepared and told me that she cried because she didn't plan for this one yet. And her son who was born in October 2019, has just reached 1y when she found out. When she told her mother, she was told that her mom went through the same thing with her second child, which is her. They weren't ready when suddenly another baby appeared.

She told me I must trust the god's plan. There's a few things which have happened and only now she sees why and how does God works. And she asked me to do the same. Just believe in Allah's plan.

I do, I always do. Her words reminded me. Maybe I do need that reminder. I have just adjusted myself to be content with whatever I have right now. I have quite a lot, you see, and yes, god didn't give me what I wanted but He gives me what He decides that I need.

Kisah Pinggan

We went to get some dinner meal many moons ago.  There were six of us. We ordered and waited for the food. All of us are rice but not ibu. So 5 plates of rice and an empty plate was requested when ordering. When the food arrived, everyone took theirs. While I was taking some dishes, my sister remarked about my Ibu not having her plate yet. They tried asking from the waiter but it seems that the waiters were too busy running around as it was such a busy and hectic restaurant.

I went to the kitchen to get the plate for Ibu while taking some ulam. When I got back to our table, I said, "Lapar betul adik-adik kakak ye." Everyone knew Ibu didn't get her plate, but they did nothing about it. 

Truthfully I didn't think much of it after I passed the plate to my Ibu. I was a bit irritated, but I didn't want to spoil the mood/rezeki. Until my mom thanked me one day after the dinner happened. 

Semua dah dapat pinggan masing2, jaga tembolok sendiri je. Geram betul aku. Tapi takpelah, aku harap diorang sedar. Nak gaduh pun tak guna. I did what had to be done. akal pun tak berapa panjang lagi pun budak-budak ni. Please lah have some decency. Benda ni memang tak diajar di sekolah. Ko dah besar. Mak kau tak dapat pinggan lagi. Mak kau pun lapar macam kau kot. Pun belum makan macam kau kot. Mak kau bila dapat pinggan, lauk yang diambilnya sikit je. Bila kau offer, dikatanya taknak. Sebab? Nak bagi peluang kat anak-anak dia untuk makan sedap. Si anak? Ada fikir selanjutnya? Apa tindakan si anak? Mudah sangat. Tak ada empati.  Kadang-kadang kita ni sibuk fikir pasal diri sendiri je. Betul la orang cakap. Seorang ibu ni bila fikir, dia fikir untuk dia Dan anak dia. Anak? Caranya berfikir ada macamtu ke? 

Aku marah sebab Aku je yang terfikir untuk buat macamtu. Kenapa adik-adik aku tak ada pun terfikir nak buat macamtu. Jadi dari situ dah rasa sedih mana pergi rasa empati diorang. Benda ni berat jangan ambil ringan. Ibu tu. Kita ada seorang ibu je dalam dunia ni.

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