Friday, December 19, 2014


Sometimes i am just so annoyed with these positive thinking people. The world is not that positive. There are theories. Correct theories, correct way of doing something, better way of doing something. Just, human are not that good. 

Logically, we can think the best way solution. Well if that involves only us, wa may do so. Problems appear when the world just don't revolve only around us. 

Macam buat karangan, aku selalu terfikir. Macam macam benda kena tulis. Cara nak memelihara hutan, cara nak mengurangkan rasuah, bagaimana untuk meningkatkan ekonomi negara and all sorts of bs. Why i mentioned it as bs? Bcs it's just theories. Good theories. Just, people know it is there. People know it exists, just, people dont give a s* to even bother to do it. 

Without action, they are merely theories. No matter how good they are.

There are people who care to try and do and there are people who aren't. We are not perfect. The people i am surrounded with, at least. 

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