Saturday, June 17, 2017

Rai...n rain go away

you know.. you can also know where you stood in somebody's heart without needing to ask.
When you call them, and it was an unanswered call, see how they later respond to it.
Do they let you know the reason immediately when they got your call?
Do they simply call you back?
Or do they just simply ignore it?

If it were me,
if somebody ever calls me, and i missed it,
i'll wait for their text.
because if it's an important call, they'll let me know.
but  i guess not everyone would do the same kan.

tapi kalau dah msg kau tak di-reply,
call kau tak berangkat,
msg diorang je yang kau asyik jawab.
kau faham sendirilah kat mana kau.

Faham kan?

Tapi kadang degil lah.
Otak dah fikir logik selogiknya
otak dah bagi reasoning paling munasabah
yet no
the heart wants what it wants
now you bear the consequences lah.

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