Friday, January 18, 2019

2019 nad!

you know.. i was cleaning up the trash before starting with my work. Nobody was in the office yet. It was then when I saw an empty packet of instant noodle inside the trashcan. I felt bad. Just a few days ago my officemate offered samyang to me.

It's just the second week of January and we are stuck financially... But I guess she got it worse than me. At least I got to have my breakfast whenever B asked me to buy his. :(

Luckily! I already got my breakfasttttt. SOOO I just bought one (usually B said who's buying she's entitled to get one for her own) and gave it to her. I was quite worried she wouldnt like the set I chose so I just prayed hard and boy, how God listens! It was accidentally her favourite set of double sausage mcmuffin with egg!

No. I would never blame my B. Every job has its perks and cons. Some places pays high but the Boss is hideousss. While some places goes with good pay, good collegue, far from home, good Boss. Some places nice Boss but pays a lot less buttt comes with lots of benefits! Lets you build your better self...

I'm gaining experience here. How nice it is to be in the place which lets you bloom beautifully. I am happy to be here. HELL YES I do worry of the future. But the power is in me. The now. The present. At least I get the power to decide however I want my present to be, to leave or to stay. Fight or flight. To be, or not to be. No it's not called being ignorant. More of a way to care about your present, in order to decide for your future. You cannot change your past. Butttt at least the present lets you have the say. Kan ?

Lagi satu. Nowadays, if I miss someone, I will straightly tell them how I feel. I'm tired of regrets. Now, I would take every opportunity that I have, try to live in the heat of the moment, because people change. The person you think you might know very well right now won't even respond to you the same way anymore in 5 years when you meet them again. By treating them the best, these good people deserve the least of this. I will give them my very best.

Ha. Kalau salah, that's not my mistake lah. Because ? If you know it, it's called understanding. If not, then you just misunderstood me lah. hehehe.

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