Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Little bro

My not so little brother had a grave accident last two years. Caused him his right eye. Now left with 30% sight. Apparently the other motorcycle was stupid enough not to look before putting on speed and went crashing on my Bro. Stupid not licensed rider.

And today this morning. His eye went red. So freaking red. In the same day he had to attend an appointment with the lawyer with regards for his personal injury claim. The previous doctor said nothing wrong with his eye. Not infection. Just maybe that since he could never close his properly now,  might be some bug doing it. So now the neurologist at the Island Hospital is checking him up.

Semoga semuanya baik baik je

UPDATE 26/1: Bless all these soul. My Boss gave me 2 days leave, (even gave me emergency fund) Doctors done the best, My mother who is always there, my cousin,  my uncle and aunt, my wicked siblings, thank you. From the deepest of my heart.

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