Thursday, October 13, 2016

itulah ibu dah cakap tak nak dengar kan

You know when you like somebody,
you're actually imposing a burden to the person?

and sometimes they run away from you.
The feeling is a burdening them.

I really, really like being his friend.
Padahal baru sebulan lebih.
Dan mungkin sebab aku tak pernah jumpa orang yang boleh accept perangai aku yang pelik ni
So mungkin sebab itu juga aku rasa tertarik dengan dia
Or just because dia comel (physical attraction je kot)

So aku dah janji dengan dia.
After two weeks i will stop being weird with him.
Dia cakap "just be yourself".
No I cannot
You might run away from me someday

And i really, really hate thinking that it might.

So take a deep breath, Ann.

Am I in love with you. or am I in love with the feeling?

I really have to sort this out quickly. Time's ticking.

Tapi sekarang kan, aku dah try practice sikit sikit pandang dia.
aku harap lama lama perasaan bila tengok dia, and then jantung aku berdegup kencang tu akan hilang segera.
bila dia pandang aku, jantung aku rasa nak melompat keluar
Bila dia senyum aku rasa macam wahh what a great day
Dan bila tahu dia takkan suka aku balik, my tears would stop welling up. Macam sekarang.
Kontrol, Ann. Kontrol.
These things should cease immediately.
You have got to stop liking people just because they are being nice, super nice to you
Just because they're being polite.
JUst because they can accept you.
Stop being so easy.

Come on.
Takpelah Ann. Kau jaga je lah diri kau elok elok.
Kalau ada tu, ada lah.
Penat lah asyik terjatuh ni.
Kalau jatuh takpe lagi, ini luka berdarah darah.
Boleh tak kau faham yang hati kau ni dah penat?
Brain, stop and behave yourself!

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