You know why?
Because God pre-prepared them from birth with this one kind of magic that whenever they smile they seem to be making your day.
Dari dulu saaampailah sekarang. Jealous sungguh aku!
My puppy love had one. or two. Rasanyalah.
Ex keeeeee. ek eleh. tak pernah pun propose betul betul suruh aku jadi girlfriend dia. KAH!
So what i did was, i will pray to God. (SAMPAI SEKARANG!)
Life is not always about rainbows and nice food and good family and lots of cash and lots of friendsss. Not all could afford all that. Not all have the privilege and merely choose to have that.
Some people cannot even afford to choose.
Rather than smiling blindly, i wish i could do something for them.
Like strangers stuck with their cars beside the road.
Hujan lagi pulak.
Rasa macam nak turun repairkan (padahal bukan reti pun KAHKAHKAH)
Like people selling stuff from table to table
Macam nak beli semua (acah Donald Trump) tapi lepastu nak makan apa? Pasir?
Nampak lantai licin,
Tuhan, moga moga semua yang lalu lantai ni tak jatuh.
the least i could is doa je lah dalam hati.
Semoga dipermudahkan urusan, kalau destinasinya baik. Niatnya baik.
Insyallah doa sampai dengan keikhlasan.
Tapi tak semua orang have that light inside their hearts.
Some people just wants to see the world burn.
Jadi aku berhati hati jugak dalam berdoa tu.
Now back to the topic.
The least. Through smile.
Dimples. Even though i might not have one, i hope that i would make someone's day whenever I smile.
Come rain or shine, be it strangers or my friends, (pray to god to nice people lah. if bad people i wish god protect me from their harm)
i hope, reallly really hope, that at least I could make someone's day just by smiling to them.
Because sometimes, simple little things do create smile on our faces.
Kadang-kadang tengah penat, or tengah letih dengan hidup ke, you're having a rough day,
tiba-tiba someone smiled at you, aku akan jadi macam..
"hey chill, Ann. You'll have things that not nice. But there are still nice things waiting out there. Let this be your lesson."
when people smiled at me, buat aku appreciate benda benda kecil macam ni
lepas tuhan let me experienced things yang tak semua orang akan dapat fair share.
Maybe, but it will comes with time. And not all people would have the same, at the same time.
Tapi tengoklah timing.
Orang tengah bengang ke tengah sedih ke
tiba tiba kau senyum senyum mintak lempang ke apa lolz.
Sometimes ornag ni diorang ada ego/maruah/harga diri/pride,
rather than putting into words, (which i am really bad at)
Dengan keikhlasan.
Insyallah akan sampai niat awak tu.
Kalau tak sampai, pun takpelah.
Doa je lah tuhan bukakan hati depa.
Tak rugi pun.
""May flowers grow in the saddest parts of you." — Zainab Aamir"
To all these people,
thank you for making my day.
And i wish mine would bring the same to you too.
To all these people,
thank you for making my day.
And i wish mine would bring the same to you too.