Sunday, March 12, 2017

Baby baby baby oh... i thought you'd always be mine, mineeee

eceh semacam je tajuk ye. aku ingat nak letak tajuk baby oh baby lepastu teringat lirik lagu justin bibierr lak hahahahh

so yesterday i was talking about how many kids we want for the future with one of my guy friends.
I agreed with him that maximum should be four. Greater, if got twins twice, twice less the time needed for me to carry them in the tummy (hahah) but harder for me lah since she has to carry them 9 months. Kalau boleh gilir gilir dengan bapaknya takpe jugak. Hmm.. sounds fun but can my brittle spine withstand that? More, that now i know that i'm a damaged good. Will somebody ever accept me as i am? and will i?

lepastu tadi i thought about the names. THEIR names. Gosh i dont even have a boyfriend yet! Hahahahahh. A girl can dream, right. Terfikir nak letak nama bunga la pulak. Macam Lily (or Lilibeth. Or Liliana. Could be Aeliana jugak.), Azalea, Violet ke, Hazel ke. Sebelum ni i thought Zara, Jannah, and Iman were nice enough. As for the boys, let's just put my old crushes names lah. Or my husband's? Ehhhh hahahhahahhh. Alah, his names should be based from Harry Potter lah. baru kipas susah mati gituww.

But we also agreed that the first one should be a boy. I thought so that he could beat up for his other later sibs. Him, i dont know. I told him that the baby's gender depends on the father while doing the (clearing throat) you-know-what, as i once read it on Reader's Digest. He said it was determined by the food intake during pregnancy. Yeke? tak tahu plak. ye ye je eh. 

And then, we get to the house chores. I said i need to find one that could help me with the house chores. and he quickly said no. Hmmph nasibla bukan boyfriend aku. awal awal dah rejek dah ni. i really, really hope for one who wouldn't mind to do house chores with me. We could have some fun tho. Or maybe, we'll cook together ke. Amboi tingginya cita-cita. Before, I dont mind at all. Tapi dah Tuhan tarik satu, satu, nikmat hidup ni, i better be prepared. I can just wish and pray hard je lah. And make myself better with days to come. I dont think i could be a good wife as of yet. Let alone, a mother! 

I even made a pact with this friend. He bet that i would get married in three years time. Amboi aku plan kalau nak kahwin pun in my 30s. tu pun kalau jumpa. kalau tak jumpa, takkan aku nak kahwin just for the sake kena kahwin kan? Tak betul dah tu niat tu. Nak kahwin kena ada duit, ni setakat berapa rat je takyah le. i dont know what to put at stake. Hmmm maybe i could just propose to him that i'll buy his future first child a present on his 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th birthday kot? If i married later than 3 years, i'll just ask for a present on my wedding day lah. HEhehe. Maybe i'll ask for a Tefal Garment Steamer, or sandwich maker, or a Bosch mixer, or a Kenwood electric oven, waaahhh best giler kalau dapat. 

SO aku berdoa supaya Raihan akan jadi kaya raya dan pemurah just for the sake of the bet hahahhahahah

p.s. had a nightmare about dad breaking out the news to me and Anyah. please god don't ever make it happen.

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