Saturday, March 25, 2017

Segala puji bagi tuhan.

sesungguhnya Tuhan itu Maha Pendengar dan Maha Mengetahui.

dan aku sedang cuba bersangka baik dan enjoying my every step because i know my God just wants to build me better and better by time.

Dan aku percaya, inshallah, Tuhan tidak pernah meninggalkan hambanya yang sentiasa mengingatinya.

If things don't happen according to your plan,
maybe what God wants you to learn haven't been really tasted or understood by you yet, i guess.
Or maybe God just wants you to pray a lot harder.
If it was so easy, sometimes you'll never learn how to be gratitude, right?
Inshallah we'll find our ways.

I am up to no good but I'll try my very best to be better by time.
Just bear with me, and let us grow together, shall we?

p.s. Anyah and I facetime-d after for so long! Fuhhh so juicy lah all the gossips!
Pasal ayam pun boleh bawak bergaduh. Hahahahh

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