Monday, June 15, 2020

Sunday with Izzati

Yesterday was fun!!

I spent my Sunday well with Izzati. Rinduuuuu sebab lama tak lepakkk aaaaaaa. The food was good in Naj & Belle. (Thanks to Za for introducing the place to meee) She birthdaytreat-ed me walaupun my birthday was in January heheheh.

Sooo... After a long talk with Izzati. I decided not to go on with my stupid plan which is to resign since the virus is still circulating and how difficult it is nowadays to find good boss and good work environment.

Lagipun savings I pun sikit sangat lagi. How is it possible to live in Penang without any 6 months saving kan kurang kurang pun? Not forgetting the fact how limited my experience is..... 

And so! The dayyyy is savedddd. Thankss to the Powerpuff.. eh. Izzatiii

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