Saturday, January 16, 2021

A day before MCO 2.0

My friend hurriedly went for a manicure and facial since tomorrow mco 2.0 starts. well I wish I couldve gone with her too.. but now since ive just moved into my new place, my monies are almost gone due to the commitment I owe for the house. 😞 

She just told my Boss that I couldn't come since I need to keep monies aside for my kucen. God knows how embarrassed i was at that time. I was a little bit angry too to her. What's the need of her telling my Boss that? Why can't she try to put herself that it is such a shame to me that I don't have th emoney to have anymore, since now I have to be more frugal than ever (and be better at savings too) since I moved into my new place? 

Since I work here I have learned the hard way of the need to put some money aside. Plus, my sister is staying with me. I would love to provide as much as I could during her stay. For office use. For sudden gas/touchngo/shopee money if my Boss decided that he wants/needs something. For court use/ssm/whatever shit that needs us to pay it online right there and then. These day there aren't so much travelling expenses to claim for anymore...

Detergent and Softener. Dove showel gel. Used to buy that maybe once in two months (interchangeably with my skincare or my other needs/clothes/skincare products. would last three, if my Boss would suddenly offered to pay for my laundry if I send/pick it up at the same laundromat as him. Nowadays I  need to buy them every month which, surprise, surprise, it would be obvious that I have to put prioritize my expenses like groceries for instance. 

I hate being frugal. It takes over me, to be less fun and less adventurous. But I thank god for her too. For always sharing whatever rezq that she has and never have been so meticulous with me about monies. But I always, always try to pay her back in any kinds of way that I could whenever I can. Setiap hari tau dia belanja aku makan. I wish I have so much rezeki that I could also do the same for her without fail. Just like she does for me. Luckily good food makes me happy. SOOO MUCH. Very uplifting effect. since I cant do much for my skin nor my body anymore. My sister do helps once in a while, but I fucking hate it if some thing which is considered to be necessities, and then I fail to provide. Just makes you feel the worst of yourself.

Hair scalp is so bad. I dont think long hair works for me. Been so long since i keep long hair, but the soonest my often-go-to-place-if-you-mean-going-there-twice-a-year-is-often salon opens, I'll just have to get rid of it. Hair fall drives me crazy even though it's normal. Well.. It's not normal anymore if you need to scratch your head off every 5 minutes, and the scratch brings out the worst snowfall and hairfall every single time, Karen. Maybe shaving it off or a buzz cut would make it better. I don't know. I hate my hair condition very badly.

Different people, different concerns. She's lucky she seldom has the need to buy new clothes or even has the need to buy different kind of skincare products that actually works for her skin. and when the only thing that works on your skin is the more expensive range kind of products. I used to be like her. Not giving the fuck to get new clothes, new this and that. To hell with skincare products. Because I don't fucking need it. Fucking hate it that I could've spent all that money for food instead. I used to be born with great skin, but nowadays.. I dont know. It gets worse and difficult to maintain. I need to rub on lotion without fail or there will be something flaky appearing on my skin. supplements could've done a lot better for me but it costs a fortune.... i guess aging and hormones does that to you. These days I am more sensitive than ever. Physically and mentally. It also grows on me to be able to buy my own new clothes, good skincare products, and better food.

Just in case we need extra money? Yeah. My tooth does not help either. But at least, I still have the privilege to choose and not being in a situation where I don't even have any choice and that, my friend,  is still a blessing for me. Thank you God.

I am so failing this class of adulting 101.

p/s: Gather your thoughts well. Put priorities first, even if it's driving you crazy. Necessities.

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