Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The island

No. Not Gilligan's Island. Redang. I really wanted to go to my office trip since I never been to Pulau Redang........ But then work life came crushing and swooped me away from it :(
Now with the flight ticket bought, I don't really care anymore whether it's hearing or case management. It's not as if I could just cancel it off anytime now right...... I would be scolded (and be travelling alone in Kelantan!) in front of other people. Boss said we are going some other place after this Redang trip. Hmm... Let's just doa yang baik baik, wait, and see....

I was soooo excited for the trip I even bought two new swimsuit sets!. I even bought swimming goggles with prescription lenses. I almost bought full faced snorkelling goggles tauuuu eiii. Patutla dah hampir hampir nak dekat trip ni somehow I lost interest a bit. Macam pelik juga but oh well.

Didn't think or show much expression in front of others since it will just be making me a lot more sad and upset than I already am.. Dah la tak dapat pergi, kena sambung kerja pulak... But I guess look on the bright side, Di! And this is just me being too soft with myself. Hang ada kerja kot... Masih dapat gaji penuh.. Seniors semua baik dan suka bagi aku makan best best. So many people out there who gets pay cuts, forced to retire, forced to resign, bad and toxic working environment.... First world problem huh

Dah la my cuti the other day got cancelled I couldn't even go to my Penang trip with the girls. Last last bukan aku pun yang hadir untuk kes tu oh my god I was like whatdeheck....asdfghnxndndnfhfhfjfbfhdusoslshdyzyh

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