Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Mom and friends

It was never about the value of the gift. But the thoughts they put into the matter. Maybe that's what it takes for you not to feel lonely. And feel forgotten. My mom is always good for doing these stuff to us her kids. Ada je benda dihantarnya. Ice-cream lah, Lychee, Kueh mueh, telekung, so many thingssss

ya Rabb, please give her the best Jannah there is to our good mothers.

And to my friends. From time to time ada je rezeki yang diorang kongsi dengan aku. Macam-macam bentuk! And I couldn't stop thanking God for letting them have the time to think of me. Because me, such a nobody, such a lowlife, good-for-nothing creature, and they still think of me. God, I am humbled by these. All the time. Thank you God. Thank you for always reminding me that sometimes my friends still have time to think of me, such lowlife, lonely friend, good-for-nothing friend.

I am always open to text my friends who made me feel the best of them once upon a time, but I am always afraid I could be a bother.. there's nothing worse than bothering your friend with unnecessary things. Consumed the time of their lives for some stupid things. I x want to do that. Thank you God. Thank you friends.

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