Friday, March 27, 2020

six days of IF

aku ni asalnya nak makan wrap je.

dah panaskan wrap teringin nak ada dip pulak.

so aku keluarkan tomato, cili, bawang merah, bawang putih, halia, semua ni aku potong. letak tepi. (chopped stuff)

aku keluarkan ayam. since i bought them by parts (easier for storage), i only took out one container. chicken chop as labelled (by AEON).

google punya google, adalah jumpa satu resepi ni. tapi aku takde fajita dressing.
So i'll just make do with whatever i have right now.

i cleaned up the chicken
put some water in the pot
throw in the chicken
along with some garlic, basil (main lontar je kau ye), and sesame oil
i'll boil them for 30-40 mins

my plan is that when the chicken is cooked,
i'll shred it, put it into the bowl,
along with all the chopped stuff.


i didnt know why but i just started pounding ikan bilis (that i have cleaned and soaked in water) altogether with cili padi and i even put in the lime juice.... macam sedap...
soak in dem waderrrr forestry, girrrrllll

but then the chicken is now cooked
so i started shredding the chicken and put it aside

but then i (autopilot-ly) started to campak campak bawang merah putih in the wok with a little bit of cooking oil......


Why tf did i shmosshed the anchovies and just cooked it half......... it doesnt even taste that good.. it was a big mistake since it tasted like uncooked mix or something... Lapar......

huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... i want yong tau foo and my street burger..................

So I ate cereal 😭 Kellogg's Oats and Honey with milk and thissss 

.....while watching the fresh prince of bel-air. 
Oooh Hilary's outfit is sooo pretty!

I ate too much and too quick of this biscuits. How did I know? I went sakit kepala already at my 20th piece..... It only went away when I drink a looootttt of water. Like aaaa lotttt. 

It rain yow! Soooo I got creative when I added flour in the wrap dipping sauce (ew sauce lah sangat). Pa lagiii, boleh buat cucoq bak anggg. [patut la rasa familiar bila rasa sauce for wrap (again. Layak dipanggil sauce keeee) tu tadi kahkahkah.]
i swear it looked yellower in this picture idk why lol

the lighting was bad but the taste? HAAAAAAAAAAAAA. EDIBLEEEE YAYYY
(by this moment i knew im a genius omg)

And I did teh masala too! But it tastes quite bland since I only used one tea sachet. Duhhhh Di.. obviously.......
I made em in this. Cool cerek/teko, ey mate?


Anyway I just bought groceries yesterday at a veeeery early morning. Reached AEON by 9am kottt. Awal kannnn. In order to minimise contacts with other humans lah konon. Siap wave lagi (used my debit card)
mahalnye........ Kos sara hidup...... Baru ingat nak beli baju raya awal......

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