Wednesday, March 25, 2020

apa itu sambal telur hancur

I tried cooking sambal telur hancur today. Basically it's the same as sambal telur yang kita pakai telur rebus tu, but this one youre going to break the egg while cooking the sambal.

Bawang merah
Bawang putih

Tunggu naik bau.

Kemudian masuk,
Coli boh tiga sudu (pedas sikiiiit je. I can't handle pedas much these days)

Masak sampai pecah minyak 
Masuk air sikit

Tunggu sampai sambal garing sikit (baru best heheh)

Masuk sos cili
madu (saja mengada tak pakai gula, but the sweet is barely there la I warn you)
Asam keping/limau nipis (I used air asam jawa. Made the sambal tasted not that sour which is a mistake to use it, also makes the sambal looks darker. No fun)
Masuk air sikit
Tunggu sampai sambal garing
Rasa dulu.

Bila rasa tu dah cukup masam masin masam (tak cukup masam, jadi saya tambahkan tomato. adds up that sour taste, veeeery lightly je la) macam yang awak nak dan awak rasa hmm okay la ni, baru awak pecahkan telur (I used two eggs)
Wait until the eggs get cooked a bit baru kacau
At this stage you can stir the eggs a bit if you like the eggs a bit uncooked and dishevelled (lol)

I know it doesn't look very appetising. Let alone pleasant for the eyes. But hear me out. Sedap jugak la. My mistake was that I used air asam jawa, as it darkens the sambal colour miserably lol. But the taste is there I promise you heheh.

Update: it tastes weird when it gets cold
I steamed some buns. Instruction asked to steam for 3-5mins. Had to steam it for 15mins since I got no steamer pot. Tu pun masih keras sikit.

Update: after constructing the new rack for almost an hour (you thought it was only 5mins easy huh bonehead) I'm still hungry.

Update: I made some vegetable soup. I now declare this day as cheat day! Ugh I would love for some salmon sashimi sushi bento nandos fried chicken garden salad egg burger oh my god I am so grateful I get to sit at home without worrying what to eat tomorrow. Thank you God. May God ease everything for the nice people out there too.

Update: I am not proud of myself.

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