Sunday, March 22, 2020

resep terung belado

Now that my lunch is cooked, let's have breakfast!

And I even purposely tried my best to tear it just a little ishh 

Now not pretty dahhh haihs

Oh yeah. I'm starting my IF today using this one app called whatever its name is, so I've picked so that I'm skipping my dinner. Sooo I've stir-fried some aubergine for my afternoon meal (without rice, ofc. Oh I'm dreading this while I'm typing)

No blender so I tumbuk all the way. Put oil a bit usually if use blender but I might have put it after tumbuk.. hahah.. (awkward laugh)

Cutting up these purple things and soaked it in water + salt a little 

I grilled this inappropriately shaped terasi a bit. Or belacan is what we called it in malaysia. Saja nak flex tahu Bahasa Indonesia sikit lol.

half fried these purple. A bit cooked. Not that much cooked since we're stir-frying it later. We don't want it to be soaked with very much oil when we stir-fry it later okay. Tak sedap. Squishy. And squishy concept is never good nor tasty for your vegetables.

heat up a spoonful of cooking oil. Don't use olive oil. They're not for stir-frying. You'll ended up poisoning yourself. We don't want that since we have a lot more food to eat, a lot more paths to take, okay? Get the grilled terasi in. Smash it with whatever utensil you're using. Put in your smashed stuff. Those onion, garlic, and chillies. Next time I'll put in halia a bit lah. I don't have any today. Stir them well. 

Put a bit of water just to get it going. We're just trying not to get it burnt by now. Stir and stir. You can add more oil if you want. Put some salt and sugar if you want by now.

Then put in those purple beauties in. Stir and stir for a few more minutes. And............ VOILAAA!

I curi makan a bit and eeeekkk bolehlaaa. Maybe I use too little terasi lah.. tapi ok lah not bad ye. Well done, Di! Now you can watch your Netflix Kim Tae Hee Hi Bye Mama yayyyyy 

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