Thursday, March 5, 2020

how do you get to know a person ?

Pay attention at what they always talk about the most.
The kind of things that have been bugging their brain the most.
Songs they mention but is dismissed by you.
Habits they do but constantly is brushed off by you.
Things they say out loud and couldn't keep his eyes off of it.

In short, pay attention to them.

And while the time is ticking,
whoever pays attention to you wins the game of heart of somebody who feels belong to you.
Since you would never even give a damn, or a second glance, about something you decide you wont care about

And I think it attracts you the most to people who you like because sometimes they see themselves in you. Or they see somebody who they wish they are, or want to be, or need to be, in them who they close with. the one who offers you comfort the most. a blanket. maybe not in the form of blanket. but surety. or even acceptance. or redemption.

What do you really crave the most?

Most of the time we dont even know what we want. or what we even need. until we find them standing in front of you. Later it brings you joy. It brings you laughter. It makes you sad. It affects you emotionally.  And then times goes by. You have grown accustomed to its presence. While so many things running through you as time passes, sometimes you look at your side and there it is. It's still there for you. Time goes by. you forgot to look at your side. there. it's still there. no worries.

A thing would deteriorate by time. Everything will. Like a seed in the ground. There's rain, but it's not much. It must get water everyday. You're busy. How? You just have to. Or it will all dried up. With seed, you can always find another seed. No worries. it wont affect you that much. Unless you're a snail with no food or tree to feed on. But you're a person. And that seed is not merely seed. The seed symbolizes a link of you toward another person. Sometimes you get lucky and that person lets you put a new seed. and see how you two go from there. but most of the time, you don't. People get hurt. People have feelings. People can move away or move over from you. In the process, while you were forgetting to water the seed, there could be bugs. or that seed could be up to no good. a crooked seed. And then what?

Nobody is going to tell you to water them but you yourself. With luck, Some people do let you know, or even remind you that they're there. Existing. Letting you know that they are happy with you. they are angry with you. they are sad without you. But some people just don't. Some people just think that they are not worthy of your time (which is passing by). or they could be thinking that you are not worthy of their time, (which is also passing by).

I believe while figuring all these out, it tends to make people apart. while you are juggling your life, other people could instead be struggling with theirs. The degree of how you view things are often influenced by your social background. family. education. surrounding. your upbringing.

Which sometimes you could see that you two differ too much with each other that you adore it. and sometimes you two differ too much that it makes you loathe them. Now hate is a strong word. I dont use it unless i really am feeling it so much. But then ugh idk

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