Friday, April 24, 2020


(Masa ni tomyam baru step 1. Masak ayam sampai jadi putih gini. Lepastu papp! Tetiba sedikit demi sedikit api kian mematikan diri. Lol) harga gas rm31, tapi sebab kedai pakai gas Petronas, Dan kitorang pakai gas Petron, kena lah extra charge RM10. Melayang rm41..... Syukur juga masih ada cash in hand untuk gas ni.. ye la, last Aku withdraw sebelum MCO kott. Lepas tu straaaaight je cashless transactions semua.

Kahkahkah. Alkisahhhhh. 30mins before iftar the gas decided to die on me...... Thank God for the shopkeeper.

Aaaanyway. Alhamdulillah I managed to do the sangkaya sauce first. Aku ikut resepi ni tapi takdela satu satu aku boleh ikut, sebab perjalanan mencari daun pandan ni Masih belum berhasil dow. Bosannn

sebenarnya aku tak berapa suka sangat resepi yang takde kasih sayang dalam penulisan cara pembikinan sesebuah resepi tu tapi resepi ni ringkas je interface dia, so I chose this recipe instead (selain paling atas lol). 

masukkan semua bahan dan gaul sebati. Aku sepatutnya pakai whisk tapi tangan autopilot kan, suka je capai spatula. Dah siap hidang baru rasa tak smooth sangat kuah sangkaya ni zzzzz.

dah nak jadiii. 

siappp! Ehh lupa letak susu cair.

kukus roti 25 mins (waktu ni la tetiba gas habis zzzz)

thiappp!! So Aku berbuka dengan roti sangkaya ni... Hajat hati nak buat tomyam sebagai main dish, roti sangkaya ni kudap kudap masa untuk moreh je, tapi kita hanya mampu merancang je ye, tuhan yang menentukan. (Eceh ayattt)

VERDICT: okaylaa. So-so. Aku pakai satu setengah sudu gula je. So tak manis pun. Next time nak pakai resepi ni pulak! 

Tomyam ayam.
barang barang ni semua Aku tak sempat masuk lagi masa gas habis. Lepas solat maghrib baru le boleh makan. Hewhewhew. Mujur juga terfikir nak masak dua benda harini kan. Syukurrr 

1. Right after I got my kitchen again, I just recooked the chicken for like 5mins, added 4 tablespoons of tomyam paste to get the consistency that I prefer, wait for like 10mins, added all the lemongrass, onions, smashed garlic, smashed cili padi, daun limau purut and a spoonful of asam jawa, little bit of sugar and fish sauce for taste. Cooked it for like 5 mins.

2. Added all the vegetables in, the enoki, tomatoes and cabbage. I was just trying to finish up my cabbages so my tomyam ended up being veeery full, like full hohohoh. Kacau kacau. Nasib baik aku tak masuk carrot juga kalau tak confirm tak muat hahahh. Reneh semua dalam 10mins lagi. And then you're good to go!

I ended up feeling very sleepy last night after iftar I slept so early i didn't even performed my isyak prayer! Thank God I opened my eyes and it was 0400 hrs. After popping in my pizza bread into the oven, I went to perform my isyak prayer. 

Layer 1

Layer 2

popping in for 150-160 degree for 15-20mins

popping out!

Verdict: The bread was quite hard at the edge but ended up very soft in the middle. Ugh. It fails. I shouldve gone for 160 degree instead. But the cheese melts perfectly. Hard to eat since the middle was too soft and I made two layers of the sausage and crab filamen. But oh well. I still have my tomyam. So I guess it's not that bad. Ramadan Mubarak !

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