Tuesday, April 28, 2020

hello tuesday

I really was not having the mood to eat for sahur. Didn't have any appetite. Called up my mom to make sure theyre already awake and mom told me my sister was having fried egg. Hmmmm not a bad idea. So I whipped some eggs and ate the remaining churros. Yup, made churros yesterday while waiting for iftar. Ended up finishing everything at 8.15pm while my class starts at 8.30pm lol. Sapa suruh mula masak lambat.

Churros day.
tepung setelah diayak.


after. Lepastu masukkan tepung tadi. Ikut suka nak masuk sikit ke sekali semua. Yang penting bekas kau tu kena dalam. Kalau tak, habehhh. Habeh apa? Try la buat kalau nak tau apa jadi. People learn from mistakes kan. Ha gitew.

lambatnya nak masak! (Api kecil masani. Takut Dalam tak masak)

less is better. I ended up making too much cinnamon sugar. Had to throw them out when I finished rolling all churros.

tak kuning sangatttt. Bentuk pun tak jadi sangaaattt. Pakai bekas free camtu aa. 

ni batch kelima. Lenguh dah aku menekan. Aku buat camni je batch last ni. 

SIAPPPPP! alololo cute kan pelam tu kat situuuu?

VERDICT: adunan yang bagusss. Aku hampir nak buang batter sebab ingat tak jadi rupanya memang camtu jadinya hahahahaaa. Rasa sedapp. Tapi kalau dapat buat said tebal lagi mesti lagi best.

I also marinated some beef to fry. It's much quicker to cook when it's dry meat. I used soy sauce, sesame oil, brown sugar, honey, pinch of salt, chilli flakes, paprika, and also smashed garlic before leaving them in the fridge after preparing it at 13pm lol semangatnya!

Marinate ni aku terinspirasi dari Twitter @milktpapi

 VERDICT: BESTTTTT. Aku plan nak makan dengan kobis Segar sebab macam sedap kalau kombinasi daging goreng dengan kobis yang rangup tu (tengah telan air liur) Tapi sebab kalut kelas dah nak mula terus Aku telan camtu je :(

did my office work in the morning. And watched Kahaani in the afternoon right after finishing my part of the work. Kahaani started slow, gets better in the middle, and gets really entertaining almost to the end.

Harini I nak goreng mi. So I've prepared udang kering, tauge and ayam. Also the garlic and onion. I'm using NuMee's recipe today since I'm using NuMee.

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