if you know it, it's an understanding. if you don't know it, it's called a misunderstanding.
Monday, December 26, 2016
pre-birthday post
Sunday, December 18, 2016
laughing at his phone.
to the person faraway but he cared the most.
i really, really wish to God i could bring happiness as much as she can
but i couldn't.
maybe this is why my timing was poor.
for if he could've accepted me, i could've only brought him regret.
thank you God.
i now understand.
"There are some fires I must forget, even if I have to extinguish them with my bare hands."aku tengah tarik nafas dalam dalam ni.
Tengah bersabar dan bertabah.
Aku tengah cuba nak sayang diri sendiri dulu baru aku boleh sayangkan orang lain.
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Secebis kertas, konfesi aku, & dia.
"Sebab aku jadi makin suka kat hg. and I don't want that to happen anymore. (I need to move on.)"
dahla rejek aku, lepastu nak recommend aku orang lain pulak. dia ingat perasaan ni mcm kredit agaknya, boleh main transfer je. Lempang kang
Dan aku sekarang tersadai di hadapan mcD, berlatar belakangkan muzik bingit, dengan hujan di hati.
Sesungguhnya hati seorang Ann begitu kuat sekali hari ini. Paling kuat.
Bermula dari cebisan kertas hingga sedutan terakhir kopi ais.
P.s. apa lah tanya "why me?" kat aku.
Mana boleh bagitahu rahsia aku.
Karang semua orang suka dekat dia macam mana. Hahahaaaa
Monday, October 31, 2016
Sunday, October 30, 2016
contohnya, macam semalam.
what the eff i was puffing in front of M, my friend???!!
i just casually asked him one, asked him to light on, and
seconds after, i was casually puffing away with him.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
another 3 days.
dia cakap perempuan tu batch dia
and then dia nak try lagi
and then semalam konvo
and semalam dia kata nak balik awal
bila tanya why he didnt answer
he answered up a call
and tak nak bagitau aku yang dia actually pergi konvo semalam
meh. all in all, aku jumpa Zahiaq jugak. and he's in Klang right now. kat firm Ieka M. te he hehe.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Progressment of Project: To un-like F
it's been 9 days.
Until my 2-week-promise dissipates.
i feel...not bad lah..
I see his smile.
I still think he's cute
He still annoys me
but my heart stopped jumping out of its arena whenever he does that.
and my heart def stopped squealing
EACH and EVERY time whenever he used to smile, and talk to me. and talk to other girls.
so UNHEALTHY okay.
dahlah sekelas, hapedaaaaa
i'm starting to treat him like H, my other super-close-guy-friend.
I started to familiarise myself calling him Baby too!
Just like how I did with H.
I started to feel nothing everytime he calls me Baby
because i know he didnt even mean it after all
Unlike me
I mean, how I used to be lah.
but he's still my eye candy okay!
from time to time
i WILL never stop myself telling him that he's cute
because he reallllly isss cuttteee dearrr goddddd
Someday i'll tarik his pipi and we seeeee how it goes
Friday, October 21, 2016
Silly one week more
After that, you can come back and play with him like nothing ever happen.
People like him wont settle with girls like you. You. Particularly you alone.
Tuhan, penatnya suka dekat orang yang tak suka kita balik........
Fuh... but i feel like i'm not doing my best if i dont tell him i actually like him..
No. not this time.
You'll ruin everything!
No more rejection weh.
Tired already doh.
Lord, really, i am so tired
it has been such a fast one month.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
And for people who constantly disfigures their life will always try to find a worthier one. Every single time.
I cried today. Meh no news.
But hafiz was so nice to handle me like a good friend always do.
Of F.
Now that's bcs of me, myself and I to blame.
Orang tu elok je tak buat apa pun kat aku.
But i will always taint nice people like that with my feelings.
He's a nice friend, maybe that's why my heart sees him in different shades.
A rose shade, i suppose.
And i thought it was perhaps just the physical attraction
no that was not the case Ann
That was not it
I DESPISE these kind of feelings
Makes me weak
Of you
Of your "niceness"
Of stupid me whom has no resistance to these simple little things
That my heart and my brain took decision
To decipher it as complicated stuff.
Or maybe these all are just a phase.
A chapter in one's life
That i must go through
In order to teach me
Or even gratefulness.
I hate it when i always have to suffer these moments.
I broke into tears
If it didnt matter then tell me why does it hurt
So many words in the world
Yet so little words i could choose to tell the world on you.
Itu lah ibu dah cakap kan.
Cari orang yang suka kat kita,
Not the other way around.
And now i'm stuck here
Writing about you at 3am.
Maybe i should just sleep on it this time.
Good night
Friday, October 14, 2016
after 2 hugs
p.s. i longed for a warm hug so much and i got it while i was dreaming last night. i even got that big, warm hug twice! Wuuuuuuu kemains eh. dunno lah how i ended up dreaming about that. but then when i woke up in the morning (which explained why i woke up late this morning!) rasa macam Ya Allah leganya.. rasa macam tonnes of problem is nothing compared to these big hugs i got.
p.p.s. LLB sangat menghabiskan duit okay. duit kelas, duit notes, duit kartrij, duit barang2 office, duit bekalan makanan, duit barang keperluan, ya rabbi
Thursday, October 13, 2016
itulah ibu dah cakap tak nak dengar kan
you're actually imposing a burden to the person?
and sometimes they run away from you.
The feeling is a burdening them.
I really, really like being his friend.
Padahal baru sebulan lebih.
Dan mungkin sebab aku tak pernah jumpa orang yang boleh accept perangai aku yang pelik ni
So mungkin sebab itu juga aku rasa tertarik dengan dia
Or just because dia comel (physical attraction je kot)
So aku dah janji dengan dia.
After two weeks i will stop being weird with him.
Dia cakap "just be yourself".
No I cannot
You might run away from me someday
And i really, really hate thinking that it might.
So take a deep breath, Ann.
Am I in love with you. or am I in love with the feeling?
I really have to sort this out quickly. Time's ticking.
Tapi sekarang kan, aku dah try practice sikit sikit pandang dia.
aku harap lama lama perasaan bila tengok dia, and then jantung aku berdegup kencang tu akan hilang segera.
bila dia pandang aku, jantung aku rasa nak melompat keluar
Bila dia senyum aku rasa macam wahh what a great day
Dan bila tahu dia takkan suka aku balik, my tears would stop welling up. Macam sekarang.
Kontrol, Ann. Kontrol.
These things should cease immediately.
You have got to stop liking people just because they are being nice, super nice to you
Just because they're being polite.
JUst because they can accept you.
Stop being so easy.
Come on.
Takpelah Ann. Kau jaga je lah diri kau elok elok.
Kalau ada tu, ada lah.
Penat lah asyik terjatuh ni.
Kalau jatuh takpe lagi, ini luka berdarah darah.
Boleh tak kau faham yang hati kau ni dah penat?
Brain, stop and behave yourself!
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
actual arr..eh no. confession? Lol.
" muka sama tak sama M, yang saya suka bukan yang itu."
tengah kesiankan diri sendiri
Mungkin aku ni kurang kesabaran, sebab tu lah kot kan.
rupa pun biasa biasa je, bahasa cantik sangat, pandai pun tidak.
Down nya lah hai
terrible impulse
i was about to let F read this but then meh. i dont know what made me change my mind.
Maybe too much clutter in my brain rn?
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
probate is not progressing so i'm writing this instead
Ye lah. until now nobody ever confess to me (as i already did to a number of people. silly.)
hmmmmmmmmm............I wonder what it feels like.
p.s. esok pagi dah kena hantar probate. plus ada presentation right after that. ha ha kill me now please (please dont. i still want to fall in love and be loved back)
Monday, October 10, 2016
how to be prettier errday? find someone who thought you are and spend your eternity moment latergh together.
If, there is one.
Saturday, October 8, 2016
two insane people
ya rabbi sayangnya aku dengan dua ketul manusia niiiiiii
p.s. told them about F and they were like whaaaaaat
Pretty children, better future.
what if i want my future children to grow a lot prettier (and kind of course)? and i don't think by having me as their mom would assist that
Friday, September 16, 2016
train to busan
Friday, August 26, 2016
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Stupid plant just how its going to stay alive?
Monday, August 22, 2016
makan angin
i didnt know my mom asked my dad to eat out.
sebab tu bila orang bercakap, dengar.
kenapa? salah ke? tidak kan?
aku tak tahulah ayah aku ni kenapa. kalau bab mintak duit, insyallah mudah (despite some words used). But our dad seldom listen to us.
is it because we are nobody to him? Sibuk je dengan telefon. Kadang kadang aku doa jugak Tuhan hancurkan telefon ayah tu. Tapi, he could just buy another one. that wont solve anything pun. When we talk he rarely listens.
Aku risau ayah aku ada orang lain je. Melawak, melawak jugak. Kalau ayah aku sabar dengan kerenah mak aku, mak aku laaaagi banyak sabar dengan kerenah ayah aku. nobody's perfect.
but he doesnt know. Ayah always thought his patience makes him got through all. Never he understood it is always Ibu who complements all his loopholes. his flaws. i now realised that now.
mak aku dah banyak pendam. sebab tu bila benda kecil jadi pun, aku jadi paham. kenapa sekecil kecil benda mak aku nak bising jugak.
i used to side with Ayah when i thought Ibu was the emotional one. Ibu was always the bad one. Poor Ayah.
No that was not it.
As you grow older, insecurities jumps into your life. you were happy once. But once is not forever. Once is not enough.
and i thought, people with good looks may have been taking their lives for granted.
while people with none are living with insecurities. for the rest of their lives.
these good looking people would never get it. even though they may be have their own insecurities. because the world shines for them.
perhaps not all the time, but most of it.
and sometimes too we might get withdrawn with that good looks. When that good looks might be the best lure with what youre going to deal later in life. The price you might have to pay for it, sometimes might causes you the rest of your lives.
ignorance is bliss. no it's not. it kills people who cares about you.
maybe i just understood that. at the least it is killing my mom little by little.
sometimes you love people so much you give them power to hurt you just a little bit more. and that happens to my Mom rn.
all these things may seem cock and bull tales but then i just dont know where to start. or what to write. because some of them have been lingering in my mind for too long i thought i should keep quiet of it. some of them i thought i should just ignore them. some should be demolished.
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Ticks me off
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Team Badminton Power!!
Monday, August 15, 2016
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
ask nicely with no NO.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Post-Scrubs S04 and S05 Ep04
stupid things make your eyes broke into tears
Monday, August 8, 2016
Because i cared too much.
imbalance of life
Friday, August 5, 2016
Cop = (labelling people names)
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Monday, August 1, 2016
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Hangat hati.
Friday, July 22, 2016
Monday, July 18, 2016
Monday, July 11, 2016
Ignorant sampah.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
to ALL my chapter titles
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Better late than never
Monday, July 4, 2016
cita cita baru: nak jadi cantik dengan perangai elok + budi bahasa cantik (pffft tak adalah baru pun)
"Oh saya ingat nak sambung kerja kat Perlis,Encik A."
Dengan boss nombor dua haritu aku cakap aku nak berehat. ha ha. rehat.
harey kalau rehat tak masyuk la maknanya.
mereput hang kat rumah tu jawab dia.
hai lah. kalaulah makpak aku kaya raya, aku dah PI TRAVEL KE JEPUN
ok lah fair enough. aku cuma perlukan tempat untuk membebel dan menangisi nasib aku (sangat drama queen) ni je.
hahah mengada ngada. Orang kat Palestine sampai krisis air, hang dok buat miserable pathetic apa tah tang ni...
fine lah fine. i've been learning to cope with my feelings. with the people that i got crush on once upon a time. now i just wish them to find happiness. honest. sebab aku rasa, aku rasalahkan. kalaulah depa tu yang terbaik untuk aku, kenapa tuhan tak temukan aku dengan depa terus ja? instead, tuhan bagi aku peluang. untuk penuhkan chapters dalam hidup aku dengan setiap kisah yang berbeza.
tapi aku rasa sedih jugak kadang kadang. because many things (read:FUN things) used to happen so many times to me before (that would involved boys lah)
mungkin tuhan nak aku belajar supaya mencari kegembiraan daripada sumber lain juga mana tahu kan?
i can only hope i am moving on the right track.
Please god. TEEHEE.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
2D character crush
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
aku doa, niat jumpa hotel bagus sikit. So lepas 5 minit aku ternampak satu signboard kata ada Wifi, ada CCTV, so yeah, that's it that's the hotel. so easy kan? So aku masuk hotel tu then ada sorang kakak comel tengah jaga kaunter. aku check helaian atas meja kaunter. so paling murah rm80. wow murahnyaaaaa apa lagi aku kasi nama kasi no telefon kat kakak tu. kakak tu pun banyak membantu aku yang banyak soalan ni hehehe. so kakak tu kata paling awal boleh check in pun 1.30tgh, oleh itu aku pergi cari kedai nak basuh keter jap.
macam biasa, aku pergi kat area Pak Li. ada satu kedai ni aku suka pergi dari part 2, fullemakk dah berubah doh. nama pun dah lain. rupanya dah tukar owner katanya. rm35 pehh berkilat ilang calar sesikit kat keter putih tuh. so berbaloi lah. kalau aku amek yang rm45 tu gamaknya berkilat macam kereta kat showroom tu entah eentah kan amenda merepek okay lepas cuci kereta masa tu dalam 2.15, alhamdulillah ada parking kosong, so aku masuk je (hotel ni ada lima je reserved parkingnya so first come first serve). so lepas kasi deposit rm50 + duit kad rm50 (warranty jep. jangan la hang pi bagi ilang plak kad tu), kitorang pun naik bilik. sampai sampai je bilik, aku dah nampak katil je. baring baring sebelum tertido aku niat jamak ta'khir dulu and pesan kat Nini (tapi kunci jam jugak) so dalam 4.30 macam tu aku terjaga and mandi + solat (masa ni aku airplane mode kan phone sebab tengah charge).
buka2 je phone tetengok ada misscall banyak kat whatsapp dah apahal. ehhhh qeela ya rabbi WutWut buat hallll. and masa aku tengok phone tu pun dah dekat jam 6. padahal dah janji nak buka puasa dengan Qeela & Man :( so she ended up buka puasa kat tepi jalan dengan bakal mak mertua dia dengan tunangnya sambil tunggu towtruck. betapa sedihhhhhnyaaaa tak berkesempatan nak jumpa langsung adoiiiiii
MAAFKAN AKU Q............................
˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚
so kitorang ended up berbuka bertiga dengan man dan siap bowling sesh lagik kat Plaza Alam Sentral satu round haha! minum minum then balik aku cuak kottt PAGI INTERVIEW so aku jam 7.30 ke fakulti dah. kebetulan students tengah exam kan. dan budak budak asasi pun dah pindah Dengkil. So parking lengang woohoo!
lepak lepak jap then aku contact Hafiz. jumpa 'Izzati dengan Aishah Pattali so sampai sampai je Cempaka jumpa si Zamigha pulakk. Havoc dah lulz. jam 9.30 baru diorang mula atur budak budak actually. so mula pun dalam jam 10 dah masa tu. macam biasa ikut nama alphabetical order.
lagi 2 pair (sekali masuk dua orang) tiba tiba aku sedar salinan sijil aku yang dah disahkan hilang! padahal aku ingat aku letak atas buku sijil aku tadi. ha sudah. ni mesti Hafiz ni. sebab aku nampak diorang duduk situ tadi lepas dia keluar bilik. kelam kabut la cari nombor si hafiz ni sebab kitorang mana kenal dia sangat pun. dia macam mutual friends to friends gitu lol. siap friend request lah kat fb punya kelam kabut hahahaha. lepastu siapa entah bagi brilliant idea suruh tweet and WE DID IT! aku terus tanya Gon and THANK GOD SHE REPLIED IMMEDIATELY and aku terus call hafiz! hahahahaha dia pun baru sedar dah terangkat sekali aku punya barang. dengan sorry tak habis habis aku gelak kata takpela datang je hantar. dah hantar tu pun dok sorry sorry lagi hahaha takpela benda dah ada pun kan. Settled.
aku masuk dengan Shaqeel (tak tahu eja nama dia aku ikut Zamigha je) dalam jam 12 gitu. Interviewer kitorang ada lima! Mdm Norma, Mdm Rafizah, Dr Azhani dan Dr Norazlina. Shaq kena tanya dulu then baru aku. aku kena tanya pasal family background, job scope dan current issue. i rambled about AntiVaxx. saying that it does not goes well with our sec 31 of Child Act and sec 269 and 270 of Penal Code blablabla. dan elok masa aku mula nak jawab tu Dr Haidar masuk. sajalah kot kan. aku dah ah dulik ah. jawab je confidently. soalan last, Dr Norazlina tanya aku, do you still play piano? hahaha aku cakap ada la sikit kan. twinkle twinkle little star boleh ar aku main tak tengok piece lolz. so dalam jam 1 jugak habis.
sampai hotel dah 1.30, kelam kabut mandi siap solat semua jam 2 terus gerak balik Penang dah. asalnya kitorang ingat nak gi tengok adik aku yang kat UIA tu tapi mak aku cakap dah lewat dah ni. so kitorang call kakngah kata tak jadi jenguk dia. the good news is she'll be back for Raya on friday (YEAYY!) but then aku still kena kerja sampai sehari sebelum raya. and event buka puasa dengan LA 2hb July (kalau jadi) ha gitu. so weekend ni aku dengan NIni tak balik Perlis lah jadinya. so yeah tu je kot. mengantuk. bye
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Juadah berbuka
Friday, June 24, 2016
i don't know how this went to those
Monday, June 20, 2016
Kahwin Campur?
Thursday, June 16, 2016
to all people in my past....
Muse-Time is running out
Friday, June 3, 2016
Trouble, trouble, double, bubble
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Mimpi Indah
Friday, May 27, 2016
My Post Breakup Songs
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Not healthy.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Mom 897988765999, Child 8.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
i see kitten i see me


why am i not shocked....
dalam dunia yang ada bermacam macam macam macam 'ilmu' ni
baik yang ditapis mahupun yang tidak
satu je yang boleh buat aku berpegang dengan akidah aku sekarang ni
always asking why TAPI kena faham yang basic dulu. WHICH IS KINDA BANYAK.
satu. solat lima waktu KENA cukup. aku pernah terbaca, kalau sempurna solat kau, insyallah sempurnalah kau. tapi ini solat pun kadang kadang nampak kaki, rukuk tak betul betul. sujud main buat macam ayam patuk padi langsung tak ada tuma'ninah, atau
pakai tudung sekadar aje, baju melekap kemains, seluar wow dua ketul, kasut sikit lagi nak tercium lantai (okay tak ada kena mengena), walaupun solat cukup lima waktu.
Haaa kena check lah balik. mungkin bacaan kau ada yang tidak sempurna. mungkin maksud bacaannya belum kau fahami (sebab solat sekadar nak kasi mak ayah nampak solat je), atau pun kau solat pun langsung idok.
yang lain? nantilah. lagipun ni penuh fallacy niiiihhhhh.
nantilah aku kupas. nak pergi bank teman ibu kbai
Saturday, May 7, 2016
some of my favourite songs from almost 10 yearsssss agoh
Mungkinkah bila kubertanya pada bintang-bintang
Dan bila kumulai merasa bahasa kesunyian
Sadarkah aku yang berjalan dalam kehampaan
Terdiam terpana terbata semua dalam keraguan
Aku dan semua yang terluka karena kita
Aku kan menghilang dalam gelap malam
Lepas ku melayang
Biarlah kubertanya pada bintang-bintang
Tentang arti kita
Dalam mimpi yang sempurna
Masih ku merasa angkuh
Terbang kenanganku jauh
Langit kan menangkapku
Walau kan terjatuh
Dan bila semua tercipta
Hanya untukku merasakan
Semua yang tercipta
Hampa hidup terasa
Lelah tatapku mencari
Arti untukku membagi
Menemani langkahku
Namun tak berarti
Dan bila semua tercipta
Tanpa harus ku merasakan
Cinta yang tersisa
Hampa hidup terasa
Bagai bintang di surga
Dan seluruh warna
Dan kasih yang setia
Dan cahaya nyata
Oh bintang di surga
Berikan cerita
Dan kasih yang setia
Dan cahaya nyata
i fine thank you
dan tiba tiba movie yang kau tengok tu haram tak sedih pun. jadah betoi la.
Friday, May 6, 2016
Plan B
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
"tunggu lah nanti bila dah kerja, ada suami....."
(though i doubt it i'll ever change. i just hope there'll be someone with me to do weird stuff together.
praying hard it wont be a cat. or a bird. or a hamster. or a guinea pig. or even an adopted kid!)
WHY CAN'T I BECOME THE "Oh, actually you know what? You're adopted. Your parents are the king and queen of blablabla"
Queen of Insecurities
haruslah insecure kalau muka kau tak macam Amelia Henderson hokeh.
pores pun dah macam makin besar ni
facial bila lah ada masa + tempat bagus nak pergi
i tried almost my best EVERYtime i go out
to look confident
when i have NONE in me
so they say decorate your temple with confidence
but what do i have that i should be proud of?
takde mende pun.
ini pun aku dah mula makan supplement lah
aku beli kat oomori.my je sekarang ni
tapi tak boleh buka selalu website dia
sebab haram bukan boleh beli pun
(kalau taknak makan pasir)
waktu waktu usha make up ni lah aku mula berangan
duit berkepuk boleh beli itu ini
takpun ada laki tolong belikan
but of course kalau laki aku dapat belikan i wont be staying single like now kan
Tuhan knows what's best
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
seorang cakap aku ni menyusahkan.
menyesal jugak aku doa bapak aku dapat naik pangkat.
sejak naik pangkat duduk jauh ni memang tak boleh mintak duit dah
katanya dah 24.
aku belum mula kerja betul lagipun. baru je praktikal.
apa benda semua bapak aku dah expect aku bayar sendiri
dia ingat cukup rm1000 tu nak isi minyak, parking
starting this month, aku kena dah beli top up sendiri.
(selalu bapak aku top upkan rm30-rm50 ikut belas ihsan)
aku jealous dengan seorang kawan aku ni.
adik beradik lagi ramai 2x ganda dari aku
bapak dia pun kerja biasa je.
tapi kenapa bapak dia takdelah ikut sedap mulut je menghentam anak sendiri
kenapa ayah dia tak buat dia macam aku?
orang selalu ingat aku ni mewah
baju pun kena merayu kalau nak beli
rasa macam mengemis dengan bapak sendiri
hina sungguh dah aku rasa bapak aku buat
menyampah dah aku
kalau ayah aku kerja biasa je
takdelah jadi macam sekarang kot
masa banyak habis kat kerja
duit pulak, aku pelik.
sebab ayah aku ni baru naik pangkat
tapi kenapa macam baru tambah keluarga?
aku asalnya nak cakap pasal kenapa mak aku tak kasi dengan rela hati bagi aku pergi engagement kawan aku
tapi tiba tiba binatang ni pulak yang keluar
mak ayah aku ni takde pulak nak galakkan anak2 dia berdikari
lepastu bila sampai masa
nak baling ke dalam hutan
lepastu hiduplah kau pandai pandai
susah jugak jadi mak bapak ni
tapi aku rasa susah lagi jadi anak pertama yang kena jadi 'jaring' pertama
tikus putih makmal
aku nak pakai duit gaji aku je kot
tapi ye lah karang aku pergi, nanti duit short, mulalah nak cakap macammacam
mak aku ni dahlah suka fikir bukan bukan
lepastu masalahnya jadi kenyataan
penatlah aku
memang drama hidup aku
sebab aku cuba berusaha nak dapatkan apa yang aku nak
tapi kalau mak bapaklah penghalang kau
apa lagi aku boleh buat?
berdoa supaya sesiapa kutip aku jadi pasangan hidup?
lepastu baru aku bebas?
aku tak mintak bebas mana pun
tapi kalau sikit sikit kena condemn
macam sial jugak lah rasanya
batu kalau hari hari air lalu pun lekuk
besi kalau kena panas pun lama lama terbentuk pedang
haruslah aku ambil pedang tu tusuk jantung ni
biar semua puas hati
tapi hidup ni tak semudah tu
aku ada agama, mak bapak, nama keluarga nak kena jaga
berbalik ke isu bertunang kawan aku.
aku ingat nak tanya mak aku nanti nak gerak ke stesen ktm macam mana
sebabnya mak aku ni dah tetiap weekend asyik ulang alik ke arau je.
petang jumaat lepas balik sesi pagi dah gerak ke sana dah
alih alih mak aku 'bagi pendapat' (im sorry but i didnt ask for it)
"bukannya dekat."" bukan murah tiket." blablablabla
either way, aku akan kena jugak.
kalau aku pergi, akan dikata degil, tak nak dengar cakap, bermasam muka, macam macam lah
kalau aku tak pergi, CONFIRM mesti tanya "dah tu haritu kenapa tak pergi?"
padahal benda dah lepas.
bapak aku memang layak lah jadi lawyer. lawyer buruk lah kot. tu pasal tak dapat jadi.
jadi polis je. ha hamek.
aku ingat kekangan kewangan aje
dah tu rupanya borang kebenaran pun sangkut juga.
ha mampuslah
malas aku nak fikir, lepastu hasilnya habuk pun tarak
baiklah aku tutup mata
beli je tiket
13hb, 11 malam aku pun sampai kl sentral dan kawan aku akan datang pick up
if only it was that easy
Friday, April 29, 2016
i hate living far from my friends why god why
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Dear God
Monday, April 25, 2016
Saturday, April 23, 2016
aku hanya serangga
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Udang bangang
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Hymn for the weekend
Monday, April 11, 2016
Law. At first i was hoping I could finish law foundation as soon as I can. I hated it. It was so hard. I blamed myself for not being good enough for dentistry or tesl. But one day I brace myself and say to myself. Maybe this won't be so hard if I stop being so hard to myself. So I let loose and try to learn to accept the fact that taking law might be the best for me.
now I feel that taking law is so important because i'd like to know more about our legal system. Well i feel that it isnt so bad after all to know more about law term or law language. And I think it's great to learn about law first, before we start to criticise or asking govt to amend them. Taking law challenges myself to learn something that is more serious in my life as i tend to take things for granted... I just hope i can survive my degree well enough to catch my dream.
Law makes me think hard whatever we could do to change the bad system of govt. As one of my lecturers ever said to us, '' sometimes govt needs somebody to remind them things they might have overlooked." i could never agree more with that.
And last but not least, i want to make my dad proud of me. I want whatever he has sacrificed for me to be something that he'll never regret. I'm hoping to take care of my parents one day with their proud smile of me as my encouragement to live my life.
January 19, 2013, 12.10pm.